Frankie (zomb lore)



basically the entire zombie-world lore!! i came up with this for my favorite server ever <3 im gonna also use this for my silly guys lore/world bc yes >:3

im going to tweak some of this (like the starter part etc) to make it more angsty and fit into a end-times world lol

⋆ Zombies (zombie folk) ⋆

  • Subspecies of humans
  • Zombies cannot be born, they are made. (ex: Born human, until their body was seized and attacked by unfamiliar cells causing them to painfully transform into a Zombie)
  • Usually, they act just like any other civilized person! However, it's recorded that Zombies often go through stages where they "black-out" and aren't themselves anymore (during this time, its best to keep your distance). Most of them retain their memories/personality from before their transformation, however some aren't so lucky.
    (!! world note, ^^this^^ isnt canon in his world, only in the rp server, except for "black-out" which IS canon. however to zombies they appear "normal" to some extent like Frankie)
  • (This disease seems to affect their brain mostly, so those that aren't dealt the lucky-side of the coin can suffer from "Intense memory loss, language/speaking difficulties, reasoning/decision along with their emotions/personality/intelligence are also deeply affected)

  • ➷ Zombie Disease ; "Obstructiones Cerebri (Cerebral Obstruction)"
  • Primarily attacks humans who have open wounds etc and have come in contact with something that suffered from this disease (such as consuming contaminated meat/liquids, saliva, blood and other body fluids) Note: Mostly transmitted from deceased animals (Deer and Cows are more prominent holders, so be wary) Once you've been contaminated, the stages are almost immediate. First being unusual body patterns/movements (sudden jerking, spasms, staring off into space/looking dazed etc) -> Sudden forgetfulness (who you are, where you are etc. Severity varies) -> Fatigue / Struggle doing things (walking, talking etc) / Other neurological problems (in some cases, hosts suffer hearing/vision loss) -> "Factory Reset" (The last stage, hosts seem to suffer severe and painful spasms before blacking out and waking up "new")

  • ➷ Appearance / Extra
  • Early/New zombies often have pale/slightly green-ish tones. Mostly blend into human looks Older Zombies are more prominently colored, their diseased skin varies from deeper shades of grey to deeper shades of green. These zombies are also usually seen with battered bodies unlike new zombies who usually look clean.
    • Bites ; Not all bites will turn you into a zombie. Only if a Zombie is in "berserk-mode" are your chances of becoming a zombie by bite raised (Think of Vampires and how certain bites can turn you)
    • Senses ; Mostly depends on the Zombie, but an all-round thing is that their sense of smell/touch is superb. They can feel vibrations of people from miles away and can track things just as good as a Werewolf. If you're trying to hide from a Zombie, it's best to stay in as small a group as possible as they can track you simply by how big your group is
    • Extra ; Zombies MOSTLY have gravely/hoarse sounding voices (stray away from clear sounding voices, unless theyre in early stages). Zombies also have a specific Zomb-Language! (which to non-zombies sounds like generic zombie "grra!" sounds, but to them its normal talking :3)
    • Zombies are also cannibals/primarily meat eaters - they can consume any kind of meat (even if its expired). They also don't really need to sleep, however its recommended to get at least 1-2 hours of sleep occasionally or they'll risk their movements growing sloppy (also raises their chance of going berserk)
    • Touching their meat-eating behaviors, "brains" is a really big treat for them. Once they eat brain (human, for example) they can view the memories from that, along with emotions from it too - sometimes, the memories are almost clear and cohearant, but usually they come in blurry/vivid flashes and some words tend to repeat themselves - but not matter how tricky the "memory" thing is, zombies tend to be very addicted to this considering most dont have their own feelings/memories.