(Offer) - WTA's Comments

Name: Rika Deri

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Height: 156cm

Weight: 49kg

Occupation: High school student (Grade 11), Part time worker as barista at Mami's Cafe.

Appearance: Silky brown curls that reach just past her shoulder, usually wears out or in a messy bun. Indigo bluebell eyes, framed with long black eyelashes. Light rosy cheeks and a small sharp nose.

Clothes: She loves ribbons of all kinds, especially a maroon silk bow she received from her grandmother. Rika wears plain purple T-shirt with orange collars, representing her school's colours. On top she wears a blue and black blouse and jeans the same colour as her ribbon. She wears long black stockings too her knees and a pair of glossy orange Velcros.

Personality: Despite her shy looking appearance Rika is quite outgoing, however prefers too avoid any drama. She is sweet and loves too help people, and has volunteered at a animal shelter due to her love of animals. Instead of taking the opportunity to join the "popular" group she found herself a small group of loyal and wonderful friends.

Thank you! ^^