Krrow Vazara



1 year, 3 months ago



Unknown (Given by Zylreith), Syrion(e) (Given by Qyaitas, Stephus, and Brakken), Krow (Given by Krrow), Krrow "Twice Resurrected" (Given by Krrow)
Kat (Father), Zylreith (Mother), Lycah (Adoptive Mother), Qyaitas (Adopted Parent), Stephus (Adopted Parent), Brakken (Adopted Parent)
Sprig, Unnamed Sister, Tyreti (Adoptive Sister), Delion (Adopted Sibling)
Realm Guardian/Regulator/Aspect of Lycah

Pre-HistoryKrrow was born during a blizzard meant to serve as divine punishment. Many people and children died during this time and in order to do the impossible and to save their mostly dead child, they decided to tempt fate and ask for the blessing of the God of Exchanges, Shavarah. Shavarah was known for being good for last resorts but their costs were unpredictable and usually full of cunning trickery. They risked it on the chance their kid could have a better life. They made the journey under the spill of night, arriving on Shavarah's ice bridge. They begged for assistance, giving a week's worth of offerings until the cost totaled near all they had. Shavarah eventually appeared, wanting to refuse a child that was so weak and sickly. Should Shavarah save the child, it would die not long after. However, luck seemed to be on the young child's side this time with the passing through of the disgraced former god of trickery, a god who in order to save themself had rejected their titles and done the unthinkable. Joined another. Qyaitas felt pity for the child, challenging Shavarah to an elaborate game of chess.  Qyaitas had a simple wager. The child would survive and be spared should Qyaitas win. Should the undefeated god lose, Qyaitas would forfeit themself as well as the child. A punishment for one of Qyaitas' old schemes.  Shavarah gave into arrogance and ended up losing. They would not lose humbly though and being a far more major god now humiliated by a renounced deity, would curse the child to know no kinship. They would be forgotten by the family who had done so much for them. A family who was now confused as to why they would be there and would reject Krrow, regarded them as if invisible. Qyaitas fled with the child, taking them to be raised by a small fishing family. They would perish from an accident when Krrow was five, the young child setting out to find the fabled family their former one had told them about. But upon arriving back where their birth parents were residing, they responded to none of Krrow's attempts, regarding them as either invisible at worst or a stranger at best. They had new kids at this point too and the blizzard had left. Krrow had no home and instead decided to train, trying to track down the mysterious entity that had spared them the first time. One who had no intention of seeing them again. For such a meeting would disrupt the last bit of magic the aspect and former god of trickery could muster. A masking spell tied to the two of them. Krrow sought the attention of this entity to try and become someone who could be so successful and famous that their parents and home would have to remember them. After a year of attempting, Krrow would accidentally gain Qyaitas' attention, the aspect appearing with muffled horror. They were not sure what made them take pity again despite the risks, perhaps it was out of guilt of their own failure or the danger a kid was in alone but they brought the mortal back, presenting them before Lycah. They argued that Krrow, with the position of regulator, someone who managed the magic pools keeping gods alive by taking on some excess divine magic, open the child could be trained to take on the position. Lycah reluctantly agreed but would not allow for a mortal to reside in her realm before training was completed. They would not survive. So Qyaitas had to search for new parents for the young Krrow, taking them to Saltstones to be raised by a Lycah worshipping couple of centaurs. Qyaitas would come on the fall of the sun to train the young child and would act as a secondary parental figure.
  Following Krrow's 14th birthday, they were gifted their full sized greatswords-one with a feather shaped blade and a soaring crow marking the handle, the other one with lives and vines lined with metal spikes to make thorns. They were told to grow into them. Things were mostly normal for young Krrow around this point. They made friends around their age, started researching the local wildlife and telling Qyaitas about them during training. Krrow would even meet a young centaur colt who bumped into them, the firbolg gifting them the crow feather they were chasing. Something Krrow didn't know they'd keep.
  Things got worse though as a plague would start when Krrow was 16-17ish, their parents succumbing and Krrow was left to blame themself for it. They were training with the powers of a god but could not save them or find out the cause of the altered animals that had attacked them and led to their weakness. Krrow blamed themself for being so powerless and unable to solve something so simple, something they should be capable of and despite Qyaitas' words, they fled into the night, not stopping until the young aspect in training reached the capital of Kyrendek. Here they slumped into a frenzied depression, a work fixation kicking in. But as aspects of gods can recognize each other through senses alone, Wanda-code named aspect of the lunar goddess, Kyrena-would take in the young Krrow, training them herself alongside other Kyrena aspect and marked aspect, Rylan. They would become siblings of sorts and Krrow would become the full second aspect of Lycah and full regulator. They had now grown into their swords and continued to research the continued odd behavior of the region's animals by day, at night returning to Lycah's realm to help stabilize the pools through ceremony and protect the realm. With their fighting prowess, they'd fight the escaped creatures that leaked into Lycah's realm and the mortal realm secretly, not wanting to recreate the panic of the Saltstones. Krrow would do this faithfully for years and when it came time to pick the animal form Lycah offered all her aspects, Krrow would choose and select the form of a wyvern, perhaps a reference to the leaf/autumn dragon form Qyaitas possessed. Krrow would also gain the second r in their name through drowning to save someone one day gaining the title 'Twice Resurrected'. An explanation they'd use to explain their double r's.
Moon's Waning Timeline--
During Moon's Waning's beginning, Krrow still served as Lycah's regulator and second aspect, still searching for the recognition and end to their guilt that could allow that curse of kinship that Qyaitas also promised they'd help reverse. Krrow would notice worse behaviors in the local wildlife, their first appearance in campaign being them watching ducks kill each other for no seeming reason as the water warms. They report this and they receive the information that this could be tied to Rylan and the abilities he has gained. Krrow grows weary, pretending they do not know such a man. Krrow starts to doubt some of their divine powers but ultimately declares further loyalty to Lycah where Rylan rejects Kyrena further. Krrow eventually catches the attention of the Delion champion and prodigy, Adeline who sees Krrow as a threat to her advancement with Delion and as the animal behavior is linked too strong with Delion's plans and actions, she makes moves to arrest Krrow. Krrow defeats her first and escapes but only barely. Krrow retreats to Lycah's realm and assembles a team of familiars to help fight her, refusing Qyaitas' help as they want to do this alone. They want to defend their research and beating Adeline could grant enough recognition to return home remembered. Adeline defeats Krrow though this time, arresting Krrow to keep them quiet and taking the familiars. Krrow is kept in wyvern form and tested on, kept alive as starvation hits by eating the familiars. Krrow is rescued later by Berril, a centaur who manages to defeat an aspect despite being completely mortal and puts an end to the charmed state Adeline put Krrow into. Krrow later learns Berril is from Saltstones and feels overrun with more guilt, seeking Berril as a companion to try and settle that guilt and make up for previous failures. Krrow is protective of Berril for this and offers to take them with to fight with moonbeasts for Kyrena's realm that have invaded a house. Krrow continues to appreciate Berril's company but is also now wondering through Adeline's words if kinship is or isn't a waste of time for them. Krrow is still worried it could get people killed or they'll forget them. This is made worse as during a mission, Qyaitas sacrifices themself for Krrow and Berril, offering to distract one of Delion's duplicates and play a game with them until the ends of time. Krrow is guilty again and blames themself further for more survivor's guilt. Krrow and Berril continue to work together, helping save Kyrena and Makkan who were imprisoned by Delion but as the only aspect, Krrow feels with a sting that anything developing legitimately and maybe beyond guilt can not go far with Berril. Krrow does when Berril faints from being in the mortal realm for too long, takes him to his family home in Saltstones.
   Krrow is uncomfortable here as they self-exiled but remains to make sure their new friend who has not permanently died recovers, them leaving to fetch fresh herbs from Lycah's realm to help. Krrow feels afraid around Berril's siblings, having more faith in their connections with Berril who has survived Adeline and themself but does not think their curse will be as kind to Berril's siblings. They leave after play fighting with Berril which ended in them kissing only to return later while accidentally leaving everything to Berril to explain to his siblings. Krrow teleports in and Berril explains with Krrow pinned in an alleyway just how much he doesn't like when Krrow consistently leaves Berril to face hardships and explanations alone when he needs them. Krrow tries lying and saying work needed them only to apologize and come clean about their fears. Krrow vows to try coming to terms with that fear and that together, they'll get down to the bottom of the actions in Saltstones after discovering Delion was at fault and they will make sure it doesn't happen again. Berril also promises to try to help Krrow figure out a way to reverse Krrow's curse though Krrow now worries about the masking Qyaitas did waning and Berril and them now being open to being hunted by Adeline, Delion, and now Shavarah. With the infighting of minor gods and Qyaitas out of the picture, Shavarah can finally enter the much larger game of chess.