William Chaleur



1 year, 3 months ago


Name: William Chaleur

Meaning of name: Chaleur means heat (French)

Species: Shiny Charizard

Gender: Male

Piercings, tattoos, or markings: None

Sexual Orienation: Homosexual

Position: Submissive

Age: Unknown

Height: 7'1"

Likes: Order, cleanliness, fashion

Dislikes: the Nicknames bill, will, and billiam

Eye color: Lime Green

Hair color: Gray

Hair length: Long (to the middle of his back)

Personality: appears standoff-ish when you meet him, but will eventually warm up to you as long as you don't leave any messes. With the right outfit, William will warm up to the person right away. Has slight ocd and has to make sure everything is in its place.  Loves to talk about flower, especially roses.

Bio: William Chaleur is a shiny Charizard who loves fashion. He is always spending hours in the morning looking for the right outfit before starting his day. Even though he is already tall, he loves to wear boots to tower over people even more so than he already does. He hates being called bill, billiam, billie, or will. He will warn you first and if you persist in calling him that, he will hurt you without any hesitation or remorse. Is actually a pretty friendly person when you get on the right topic.