


1 year, 3 months ago


Kit Name: Swiftkit 

Apprentice Name: Swiftpaw

Warrior Name: Swiftfoot

Rank: Warrior

Family: Tba 

Other Relationships: Roserunner (former apprentice)

A senior warrior who has a soft spot for kits and young apprentices. Swiftfoot is a bit of a stickler for rules and was very strict as a mentor. 

He had a good relationship with Roserunner and was one of the cats who voiced concern when she disappeared. After Tallstep found out that Roserunner was staying with Stormclan Swiftfoot was the first, and one of the only cats he told. Swiftfoot later visited Stormclan to confirm what Tallstep had told him as well as try to convince Roserunner to return to Stormclan. 

When Swiftfoot got the chance to talk to Roserunner and saw how much better she was doing stating with Stormclan he abandoned his plan of trying to convince her to return to Mooreclan with him, instead wishing her happiness as she settled into a new life.

Extra Info

-Swiftfoot was an apprentice alongside Longstar and the two of them grew up together. Swiftfoot was Longstar's closest confidant as well as one of his biggest supporters

-Swiftfoot retired to the elders den shortly after finding out that Roserunner was alive and well after she disappeared. The retirement was a long time coming and well deserved.