


1 year, 3 months ago


Species: Spacefruit

Gender: NB (he/they)

Spacefruit make REALLY good shopkeepers.
Spacefruit have a "galaxy pouch" which is like hammerspace but it can  access any part of the universe(s) by locating things with their antennae.
They have a set of antennae and the fin-like appendages are like satellite dishes. They use these to help them locate their favorite item.
They can pull things of their favorite item type out of their pouch, wherever it is in the universe. Like pulling from a small hat and getting a big rabbit, same sort of vibe. Astrotail for example can pull out homeless, abandoned eggs from anywhere in the vast space.
Spacefruit are born from special geode eggs. They usually travel in packs called Cornucopias, they do this for protection against the  dangers of space and to spread their favorite thing to the peoples across the universe. There are some individuals who brave the universe alone to spread their wares.