Ikaika Palani



1 year, 2 months ago


Name: Ikaika Palani
Birthday: July 1
Age: 30
Pronoun: He/Him
Sexual orientation: Undefined

┆ Soft-Hearted ✦  Kind  ✦ Courageous┆
┆ Devout ✦ Witty ✦ Forgiving┆
┆ Closed Off ✦ Impressionable  ✦ Indecisive ┆


✿ Having to choose
✿ Being trapped inside
✿ Disrespect
✿ Unfairness
✿ Spicy Foods


  • Ikaika grew up in a humble home with his mother and father.
  • He was born with a flower clinging to his throat, his parents were proud until they realized it meant he could not cry out. And would have to learn sign language.
  • He has siblings, but he is twelve years older than both of them
  • His decision to become a SongBird stemmed from his ailing parents
  • His younger brother and sister were kidnapped 16 years ago and it devastated him and his parents.
  • Ikaika has only one hidden talent and that is archery. If none of this would have happened, he would have gone into the guard to be a knight.


  • Ikaika is mostly mute. His voice is so soft that unless there is absolute silence and someone is standing very close to him that would be the only way that his raspy whisper can be heard. Because of this, he keeps a chalkboard at all times and he does use sign language. Audibly speaking isn’t usually his go-to. He will automatically sign, but once he sees the look of confusion on someone's face, he will write it down.
  • Ikaika spends most of his time outdoors; going to maintain his ailing parents and shooting arrows to release (subconscious) tension.  He enjoys being outside and being inside too long will usually sadden him quickly.
  • Ikaika is very health concious. He doesn’t usually partake in sweets and treats and does calisthenics every day as a means of not only staying fit but meditation. Though sometimes he can fall into a fit of emotional eating when he has too much on his mind and can’t quite pinpoint the cause of whatever is bothering him.
  • His archery is something he keeps to himself, he usually does so in the woods behind his parents' home.