


1 year, 3 months ago


Chopper the ghost is a splattergiest who Maisy met when she was a teenager who she considers her father figure/older brother, a gay trans man who she stumbled across when she was figuring herself out who gave her the confidence she needed in order to blossom into her own person and identity. They are very protective of one another and bring out the best in one another because Chopper also happens to be in a triad of ghosts known as the Hat pack, splattergiests who sell people hats and are implied to behead people.

However when this tall towering toon encountered Maisy they gravitated towards one another, and he saw something in her and could feel a common kinship through their queerness, he could see how lost she seemed to be and took her under his wing and began to look after her and show her the world beyond her small neighborhood, meeting all the different people she could ever dream of.

As her unofficial parental figure Chopper often stops by her house to check up on her, drink coffee, and tell her stories of the world and the people he’s encountered between each visit.

Maisy loves to swing from his arms and despite being less than half his height usually gets very defensive of his safety which he finds extremely funny.