Sable Acorn



9 years, 6 months ago



Name || Sable Acorn
Alias || Sable
Gender || Female
Age || 17
Sign || Cancer
Species || Hedgheog/Chipmunk
Orientation || Straight
Zone || Light Mobius
Status || NFT/Single
Birthday || June 29

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☆ About

With the marriage of Shadow and Queen Sally, and the one night of consummation came about her creation.

She was born at night in the dark recesses of the castle, Shadow hoping for a son was disappointed in a daughter, but he still could use her, for his plans to carve the world into his own image. After convincing Sally that she was a still-born and giving her a necklace that Sally wished her to have to prove her lineage he put her into hiding. She was raised by herself, seeing only her father Shadow, and a small dark chao that fell into her home one day. She was taught how to fight and the politics she needed to know for her place in the royalty. She was always told by her father that her mother never wanted her and ordered her death and he saved her until he could introduce her to the people as the heir of the throne. 

She was raised to be confident in who she was and that the means never mattered as long as she reached her goal. As time went on she started to want to be a part of others lives wanting to see at least another living being in person rather than on the television, when her father wasn’t around she would sometimes watch the news, she began to wonder why everyone in the background was horrible looking so she started research which her father liked that she was starting to fall into her role, but didn’t realize that with her raising the small chao on her own she began learning kindness and love for a weaker being and began to wonder if her father couldn’t rule the same way. She even came across underground forums where Shadow haters voiced their opinions under pen names, she began to read angry at first that people could hate her father who made the world peaceful so she made a pen name to do her own research at first when she stood up for him she was shot down which only made her angrier, but as time went on and she began to read what he had done to them and every time she would ask her father he never denied and sometimes would take responsibility for the actions, she began to wonder is it truly worth all this hate to have the world the exact way you want it? Why cant you just give a little? Is that a sign of weakness? She kept her questions to herself knowing what her father would say Every time she asked her father if the people would like her as a princess he would always tell her that they would love and fear her, which would make her smile but eventually began to hate that others would fear her.

Right before Sonic dethroned Shadow she saw less and less of her father, she began using the television and her network that her father gave her to get information on the outside world and began reading the past of the world. She also discovered that her birth was non-existent, which didn’t really surprise her with her fathers position but she still wanted to ask him why. She looked up everything she could find on the past and how her father came to rule. After Sonic dethroned Shadow, Sable heard of the news and left her home wanting answers about her mother and what she meant to her.

By the time Sable reached Castle Mobius all she wanted was to know if she had a family or not, and why she was unwanted by her mother, to know if she should move on and live her life somewhere where she was on her own and alone.

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☆ Personality

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis tincidunt ultricies lacinia. Nullam consectetur sodales tellus, sed bibendum ex mattis tempor. Phasellus vitae semper quam, nec euismod leo. Vestibulum congue pellentesque hendrerit. Donec tincidunt velit elit, id porta nulla blandit sit amet. Praesent sagittis et dui eget lobortis. Suspendisse feugiat nunc eget purus lacinia, id ornare sapien sagittis. Mauris at sollicitudin neque.

In lacus neque, eleifend et condimentum ac, luctus vitae erat. Suspendisse venenatis ullamcorper imperdiet. Sed suscipit varius nunc ut facilisis. Sed tincidunt, lectus vitae lobortis mollis, leo metus molestie neque, quis aliquet purus sapien vitae tortor. Quisque a dolor ullamcorper, bibendum lorem quis, ullamcorper neque. Ut a placerat ipsum. Pellentesque lacus dolor, vestibulum et massa vel, pharetra eleifend velit. Curabitur id varius tortor. Vestibulum commodo gravida diam, in dictum lacus. Nam efficitur volutpat ultricies. Aliquam erat volutpat.

★ Smoothies
★ Studying
★ Kids

☆ Sour Foods
☆ Judgemental People
☆ three

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★ She has chaos control abilities but since she wasn’t trained well its very tied with her emotions and can cause great destruction, much to her dismay.


Sally: Still on rocks with her relationship with her mother, tries her best to show her that she is more her mom than her father. With the contradicting words of her parents she’s not sure who to trust, but Sally’s reaction to her arrival makes her feel that maybe her father didn’t tell her everything
Sonic: Actually scared of him and wonders if she can ever call him 'dad' or if she can ever feel at ease around him. Sonic seems to trust her even though he keeps an eye on her. He thinks all she really wants is family and answers. So he’s willing to help her.
Sonia and Manic: The twins like playing with her and don’t know that she’s their sister. She feels very protective over the twins and doesn’t mind doing the most childish things with them
Lara-su: Training with her and Knuckles, gives her a bit of an awkward relations ship with her. Lara-su is suspicious of her and why she came to the castle, even though all Sable wants is family and to be able to control her chaos abilities
Belle D’Coolette: The only one who pulls Sable to do anything with her. The only one Sable will call a friend and hopes Belle feels the same (shes also the one who put Sables spikes in a ponytail)
Skye: She feels at ease around him, secretly enjoying his shyness and inability to talk to girls enjoying being able to be around someone and they don’t judge or say harsh things to her
Shadow: She loves her father and wishes him great happiness and wants to help him find it.