Serena (Fortuna Belli)



1 year, 2 months ago






  • TYPE Empire/Theocracy
  • Symbols Dragons, Gold, Mountains
  • ESTABLISHED Pre-Extinction
  • FOUNDER Unknown
  • LEADER Rayleigh (formerly)/None?!
  • CAPITOL Respi
  • POPULATION 1500+
  • RENOWN Widespread
  • STATUS Turbulent


"Fortune in War; Fortune in our Expanse."

Fortuna Belli (often shortened just to ‘(the) Fortuna’) is an empire known to many; for perhaps every cat who hasn’t heard tell of it, there are three who have in some form. The reason isn’t a pleasant or kind one; it is an empire of subjugation, of expansion, of taking and giving little back but blood. They fight in the name of their main god, (NAME), and many among their leadership and clergy think of it as an ongoing holy war to save the souls of those worthy and willing, and to erase those who aren’t. Users of the Small Sciences- witches- are by default considered unworthy.

It’s not unusual for large amounts of prisoners to be taken during aforementioned wartime, and while some end up being released through promises of repentance and oaths of fealty, many end up dying while imprisoned, or executed. Those who were formerly prisoners of war are looked upon in many ways by the general populace, but the upper classes burn their gaze into converts. They may never find themselves entirely trusted by all regardless of what they do of what they do (why would we?).

Before their conquest, Fortuna was still relatively prominent before the total death of the human race, but only came to be the true force of reckoning that it is now post-fall, rising at a rapid rate near equal that of the death of humans during their final war. For every newly emptied town, the empire would attempt to stake a claim, so long as it was within reach of their established range. This has continued into the present, now pointed at other cats instead, with little signs of stopping.

Most who they aim their vitriol towards end up buckling under their might, though they aren’t opposed to making alliances and treaties with other countries, armies, societies of any kind, even those of witches… they just need to have a good enough reason, and an established target who puts up enough of a fight for them to justify it. There have been a few known to have pushed Fortuna Belli back, but leadership keeps their eyes glued to old enemies.

Though they are known to be violent and unapologetic, there are plenty of truly peaceful and kind cats within the empire- additionally, some are neutral or even positive towards the Sciences, or at least not completely fueled by hatred towards them. Still, any support towards them is considered a high offense punishable by injury or death depending on severity, so citizens tend to feel as if they’re on eggshells speaking about it and usually avoid it entirely when not just cursing the name of the Sciences. For the most part, clergyfolk are the ones speaking on it, and never in a positive light. Visitors are expected to adhere to these rules.

Outside of wartime, so long as groups or individuals passing through are peaceful and follow the law of the land, cats are permitted to pass through any cities, towns, or open territory, although they may be pestered by, and at the discretion, of guards or anyone else with any authority. For security reasons, of course.

Currently, Fortuna Belli could be better. After an attempted coup, led by a certain young heir, and the child of the high priest, both the ruler Rayliegh and Father Gideon seemingly lay dead, not long after the (unrelated) unfortunate fates of other leaders. Saying that things could be better is a bit of an understatement.


  1. List the rules your organization members have to uphold as a member of said organization.
  2. Mauris a quam felis. Phasellus ante risus, interdum et neque sed, ultricies porta nunc. In cursus eros at porta sagittis. Quisque iaculis rhoncus nisi, a bibendum sapien ultricies vel.
  3. Fusce mauris urna, eleifend sit amet dapibus sed, aliquet convallis risus. Fusce posuere molestie felis, sed tristique magna dictum at.
  4. Sed malesuada nunc id ante semper, sed porttitor tortor finibus. Mauris ac eleifend orci, et dapibus mauris. Mauris at porttitor odio
  5. Proin finibus elit sed imperdiet mollis.




Nam semper enim a efficitur ornare. Sed vestibulum ultricies dignissim. Nulla ac sem eleifend, maximus sem ac, placerat augue. Morbi libero metus, placerat eget nisi a, porta tempor est. Sed volutpat at nisl in accumsan.



Suspendisse feugiat luctus nisi. Ut efficitur mi nec nulla scelerisque ultricies. Phasellus ultrices in libero in vulputate. Praesent eget diam augue.



Donec accumsan facilisis facilisis. Aenean tempus augue magna. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.


Phasellus pretium quis dolor quis volutpat. Sed a vestibulum velit. Nullam id tortor quam. Sed suscipit orci enim. Nullam leo arcu, dignissim ut metus a, viverra hendrerit metus. Cras vestibulum arcu eu ullamcorper pretium. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.

Phasellus pretium quis dolor quis volutpat. Sed a vestibulum velit. Nullam id tortor quam. Sed suscipit orci enim. Nullam leo arcu, dignissim ut metus a, viverra hendrerit metus. Cras vestibulum arcu eu ullamcorper pretium. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nam eget vulputate tellus. Phasellus ex sapien, varius eget lectus eu, hendrerit consectetur lacus. Praesent a mauris ex. Nam nec vestibulum est. Sed fermentum orci nisi, sed vulputate ipsum interdum eget. Quisque luctus neque quis purus cursus suscipit. Phasellus leo mi, eleifend nec interdum in, lacinia a sem.

Etiam commodo risus tempus quam ullamcorper, eget dapibus lectus sollicitudin. Nunc porta velit a dolor consequat, quis tempor arcu imperdiet. Aliquam nec metus dictum leo luctus blandit. Etiam aliquam consectetur velit et volutpat. Aenean ut massa id est lobortis ornare eu nec augue. Suspendisse semper felis orci, molestie bibendum mauris ultrices non. Donec malesuada, diam a accumsan faucibus, tortor nunc mattis urna, pharetra semper ex massa at ipsum. Fusce consequat commodo turpis vitae efficitur. Morbi nec sapien tempus orci sollicitudin bibendum.


Describe where your headquarters are located here. You can also describe the general structure of it, both in terms of exterior and interior. Is it large and spacious? Small and cramped? In somebody's basement?

Vestibulum id sem semper, malesuada diam et, bibendum libero. Integer sed dui eget sapien fermentum rutrum non id ipsum. Nunc sodales nibh sed ante elementum venenatis. Mauris nec accumsan dolor. In venenatis gravida turpis, eget faucibus magna pulvinar vitae. In ut nisl orci. Sed tortor lorem, pulvinar in justo condimentum, mollis congue ipsum. Aenean quis varius nisl. Praesent maximus elit at malesuada vestibulum. Fusce commodo mi non felis luctus porta. Suspendisse maximus augue vitae dapibus pulvinar. Quisque ut eros sit amet nisi fringilla tempor.

Ut rhoncus massa a lacus cursus sagittis. Etiam tristique bibendum dictum. Integer consectetur eu eros ut euismod. Morbi eu elit vel urna imperdiet rhoncus ut id magna. Nunc pretium, purus quis rutrum sagittis, nisl nunc semper felis, eu viverra magna felis quis quam. Suspendisse quis dignissim lacus, nec ultricies turpis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Nullam commodo quam lacinia mi laoreet, at sagittis lorem volutpat. Vivamus nec vestibulum erat, eget sollicitudin lorem. Donec vel augue et elit imperdiet ultrices in id mi. Vestibulum urna justo, efficitur quis auctor non, tristique quis erat.


Specify if your organization is recognized by the public or otherwise works in the shadows. If they're a public organization, what do the masses/ society/ general think about them? Are they well-known and respected? Or are they feared?

Phasellus pretium quis dolor quis volutpat. Sed a vestibulum velit. Nullam id tortor quam. Sed suscipit orci enim. Nullam leo arcu, dignissim ut metus a, viverra hendrerit metus. Cras vestibulum arcu eu ullamcorper pretium. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nam eget vulputate tellus. Phasellus ex sapien, varius eget lectus eu, hendrerit consectetur lacus. Praesent a mauris ex. Nam nec vestibulum est. Sed fermentum orci nisi, sed vulputate ipsum interdum eget. Quisque luctus neque quis purus cursus suscipit. Phasellus leo mi, eleifend nec interdum in, lacinia a sem.

Etiam commodo risus tempus quam ullamcorper, eget dapibus lectus sollicitudin. Nunc porta velit a dolor consequat, quis tempor arcu imperdiet. Aliquam nec metus dictum leo luctus blandit. Etiam aliquam consectetur velit et volutpat. Aenean ut massa id est lobortis ornare eu nec augue. Suspendisse semper felis orci, molestie bibendum mauris ultrices non. Donec malesuada, diam a accumsan faucibus, tortor nunc mattis urna, pharetra semper ex massa at ipsum. Fusce consequat commodo turpis vitae efficitur. Morbi nec sapien tempus orci sollicitudin bibendum.


Ut ut quam eget ligula porttitor sollicitudin. Vivamus porta convallis vulputate. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Suspendisse id sem egestas, eleifend turpis sit amet, viverra ante. Fusce interdum sit amet dui sit amet euismod. Quisque in odio lectus. Sed posuere nec dolor vel gravida. Phasellus elit libero, tempus ac lectus ut, tempor gravida nisl.

Quisque eu facilisis lorem, in aliquet mauris. Cras et lacus ut lorem suscipit dictum ut a tortor. Pellentesque velit massa, pulvinar at imperdiet a, cursus at ligula. Nulla hendrerit finibus tellus, ac feugiat massa tincidunt eu. Aenean urna risus, pretium vel mollis non, tincidunt vitae magna. Morbi mollis erat ut odio cursus, quis congue sem pretium. Integer erat sem, suscipit sed odio sit amet, consectetur euismod lectus. Ut fringilla, dui eu condimentum porta, eros arcu vehicula dolor, et pellentesque odio massa consequat magna. Pellentesque posuere dolor id massa malesuada placerat. Maecenas vel orci ligula. Proin rhoncus, ligula ac iaculis fringilla, nibh velit pellentesque elit, non iaculis libero mi suscipit purus. Donec dolor dui, auctor sed nibh non, congue fermentum turpis.


Integer eget felis eu sem commodo feugiat. Vestibulum mauris nisl, sagittis vitae libero a, placerat viverra orci. Proin eu mi mollis purus gravida posuere. Mauris sed nunc id dui molestie ornare. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nam ac ligula quis metus condimentum hendrerit. Vestibulum convallis, risus non mollis dictum, elit diam interdum urna, eu vehicula diam est id elit. Vestibulum laoreet ligula ac risus vestibulum, quis pulvinar nisi porta. In at sollicitudin turpis, congue maximus felis. Praesent id elit massa.


Maecenas efficitur aliquam leo ac pulvinar. Sed mattis ultrices lacus, nec vulputate eros hendrerit eu. Donec ultrices, purus a varius molestie, velit velit pharetra lorem, aliquam ultricies augue orci non lacus. Integer facilisis odio et dui luctus, rutrum ultricies urna sodales. Maecenas pulvinar dapibus libero, vel semper erat dictum ut. Proin egestas, tortor non gravida laoreet, ex neque ultrices mi, a cursus diam eros non sapien. Aliquam malesuada convallis ex a iaculis. Donec bibendum sem non accumsan pretium.


Lord of all

  • ORDER The Exalted
  • DOMINION Life, strength, light, luck
  • ABODE Alongside Tyche; loft of the Astral Towers
  • SYMBOLS Red+gold; dragons, blades, coins, laurel


Describe the mythology/ origins of the god/ deity here. Nunc euismod est eu nulla sodales, in auctor nibh elementum. Etiam a leo eu ante dapibus sollicitudin sed non libero. Aenean faucibus a elit nec facilisis. Curabitur lacinia, mi quis eleifend rhoncus, eros diam consequat nulla, eu facilisis justo purus eu neque. Sed volutpat aliquet pretium. In quis viverra turpis, ac ornare lectus. Cras luctus felis in risus rhoncus ornare ut sed nisi. Proin consectetur ipsum at nisi laoreet, a accumsan sapien dapibus. Etiam placerat blandit purus ut ultricies.


How did people in the past worship this god/ deity? In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Duis euismod elit non risus tincidunt suscipit. Integer at vulputate ante, non porttitor ipsum. Cras iaculis bibendum lacus, quis mattis felis mattis eleifend. Maecenas quis lorem vestibulum, mollis nunc quis, tincidunt nibh. Proin bibendum enim vel felis cursus vulputate. Nulla nec tincidunt ipsum.


How do the people in modern times worship this god/ deity? Nunc euismod est eu nulla sodales, in auctor nibh elementum. Etiam a leo eu ante dapibus sollicitudin sed non libero. Aenean faucibus a elit nec facilisis. Curabitur lacinia, mi quis eleifend rhoncus, eros diam consequat nulla, eu facilisis justo purus eu neque. Sed volutpat aliquet pretium. In quis viverra turpis, ac ornare lectus. Cras luctus felis in risus rhoncus ornare ut sed nisi. Proin consectetur ipsum at nisi laoreet, a accumsan sapien dapibus. Etiam placerat blandit purus ut ultricies.



  • ORDER The Origin
  • DOMINIONS Fortune, tenacity, sacrifice, flame
  • ABODE Alongside Laren; loft of the Astral Towers
  • SYMBOLS Yellow+light blue; fire, dice, wyrms


She appears to mortals generally as a beautiful, very tall cat with long, flowing fur of white-tipped silver. Her eyes are dual colored, said to be blind in the right, and her tail is extremely long, about thrice the length of most cats.

Tyche’s true form is rumored to appear more stretched and unnaturally long, with odd proportions, long fangs, pupils that of slivers which lay within giant, all-seeing odd-eyes that match Laren’s, and claws that stretch on seemingly forever. Her teeth and nails are made of pure gold, which also drips from her mouth; her fur and body seem to be made of silken silver. It’s said she only ever revealed this form to a mortal once, and that individual was blinded forever.

Tyche is considered a secondary deity, but is no less powerful than Laren or any of the others. She is the goddess of fortune, tenacity, sacrifice, and union, and all directly related concepts; Fortuna Belli’s name even came in part from her. She is accepted to have originated before Lord of All, Laren, and is held in high regard for seemingly forging his path to godhood and later becoming his wife.

There are many stories told of Tyche and her sacrifices for the land of cats, including but not limited to tales of her sacrificing her own family, old lovers she’d taken from the mortal realm, pieces of her own body and soul, and given up victories in battles with demons for the sake of her followers. Historically, she aided in battles in the physical plane, including that in the battle against the first emperor of what would go on to become Fortuna Belli.

The story goes that first Exalted Emperor Augustus- who had already forcefully taken control of the kingdom of three-hundred with his army of demons and corrupted mortals- drew the life force of the world to power his ill-gotten magic, and used this power to blaze a path through the lands, ruling his own kingdom with an iron claw in the process.

Many innocents were lost as his own power, territory, and wealth grew, and a militia of citizens of the kingdom rose to challenge him, led by the cat Laren. In the battle, Laren was gravely wounded protecting his soldiers, and in response to his last plea for victory to the gods before he succumbed, he unknowingly summoned Tyche. He’d curried her favor throughout the war, and Tyche granted him another chance in the battle, with her power granted unto him and her own claws by his side. Together, and with the dwindling militia’s fangs backing them, they tore through Augustus’ castle, and severed his connection with the world’s power. He was then cast into the river that would later be called Styx with the blessing of its caretaker, Charon. In this cleansing of the world, Laren would become the first of the exalted gods, with Tyche casting the first vote towards his ascension. Together, they now form a pair.


As much credit as Laren gets for winning that battle, it’s also accepted that without Tyche, ruler of fortune, the war would never have been won. As such, she’s honored by regular offerings: woven baskets of paw-crafted wyrm statues or dolls left on windowsills, plates of food or grain, piles of coins from individuals’ own pockets, and the like.

There is also a yearly celebration all for her: The Wheel of Fortune, marked every year on the anniversary of the battle with Augustus. The day before the celebration, there is fasting, avoidance of leisure activities, and periods of regular silence (dictated by priests and priestesses) symbolizing restraint and sacrifice, wherein on the actual day the Wheel of Fortune is held, there is feasting, mock battles, competitions and tournaments, and trade of items themed around the event. Outsiders are often invited to vend, even, so long as they follow the laws of Fortuna Belli.



  • ORDER The Origin
  • DOMINION Death, spirits, water & storms, balance
  • ABODE Spirit realm River Styx
  • SYMBOLS Green+gold; snakes, rivers, bones


Describe the mythology/ origins of the god/ deity here. Nunc euismod est eu nulla sodales, in auctor nibh elementum. Etiam a leo eu ante dapibus sollicitudin sed non libero. Aenean faucibus a elit nec facilisis. Curabitur lacinia, mi quis eleifend rhoncus, eros diam consequat nulla, eu facilisis justo purus eu neque. Sed volutpat aliquet pretium. In quis viverra turpis, ac ornare lectus. Cras luctus felis in risus rhoncus ornare ut sed nisi. Proin consectetur ipsum at nisi laoreet, a accumsan sapien dapibus. Etiam placerat blandit purus ut ultricies.


How did people in the past worship this god/ deity? In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Duis euismod elit non risus tincidunt suscipit. Integer at vulputate ante, non porttitor ipsum. Cras iaculis bibendum lacus, quis mattis felis mattis eleifend. Maecenas quis lorem vestibulum, mollis nunc quis, tincidunt nibh. Proin bibendum enim vel felis cursus vulputate. Nulla nec tincidunt ipsum.


How do the people in modern times worship this god/ deity? Nunc euismod est eu nulla sodales, in auctor nibh elementum. Etiam a leo eu ante dapibus sollicitudin sed non libero. Aenean faucibus a elit nec facilisis. Curabitur lacinia, mi quis eleifend rhoncus, eros diam consequat nulla, eu facilisis justo purus eu neque. Sed volutpat aliquet pretium. In quis viverra turpis, ac ornare lectus. Cras luctus felis in risus rhoncus ornare ut sed nisi. Proin consectetur ipsum at nisi laoreet, a accumsan sapien dapibus. Etiam placerat blandit purus ut ultricies.

— Borial —

Shattered Spectre

  • ORDER The Exalted
  • DOMINION Wit, Winter, Mind & Spirit
  • ABODE Frozen field of the Astral Tower
  • SYMBOLS White+purple; glass, pens, white owls


Describe the mythology/ origins of the god/ deity here. Nunc euismod est eu nulla sodales, in auctor nibh elementum. Etiam a leo eu ante dapibus sollicitudin sed non libero. Aenean faucibus a elit nec facilisis. Curabitur lacinia, mi quis eleifend rhoncus, eros diam consequat nulla, eu facilisis justo purus eu neque. Sed volutpat aliquet pretium. In quis viverra turpis, ac ornare lectus. Cras luctus felis in risus rhoncus ornare ut sed nisi. Proin consectetur ipsum at nisi laoreet, a accumsan sapien dapibus. Etiam placerat blandit purus ut ultricies.


How did people in the past worship this god/ deity? In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Duis euismod elit non risus tincidunt suscipit. Integer at vulputate ante, non porttitor ipsum. Cras iaculis bibendum lacus, quis mattis felis mattis eleifend. Maecenas quis lorem vestibulum, mollis nunc quis, tincidunt nibh. Proin bibendum enim vel felis cursus vulputate. Nulla nec tincidunt ipsum.


How do the people in modern times worship this god/ deity? Nunc euismod est eu nulla sodales, in auctor nibh elementum. Etiam a leo eu ante dapibus sollicitudin sed non libero. Aenean faucibus a elit nec facilisis. Curabitur lacinia, mi quis eleifend rhoncus, eros diam consequat nulla, eu facilisis justo purus eu neque. Sed volutpat aliquet pretium. In quis viverra turpis, ac ornare lectus. Cras luctus felis in risus rhoncus ornare ut sed nisi. Proin consectetur ipsum at nisi laoreet, a accumsan sapien dapibus. Etiam placerat blandit purus ut ultricies.

— Clarion —

The Victory Herald

  • ORDER The Origin
  • DOMINION Air & sky, growth, camaraderie
  • ABODE Stairway of the Stars; Astral Towers
  • SYMBOLS White+yellow, flowers, twine, clouds


Describe the mythology/ origins of the god/ deity here. Nunc euismod est eu nulla sodales, in auctor nibh elementum. Etiam a leo eu ante dapibus sollicitudin sed non libero. Aenean faucibus a elit nec facilisis. Curabitur lacinia, mi quis eleifend rhoncus, eros diam consequat nulla, eu facilisis justo purus eu neque. Sed volutpat aliquet pretium. In quis viverra turpis, ac ornare lectus. Cras luctus felis in risus rhoncus ornare ut sed nisi. Proin consectetur ipsum at nisi laoreet, a accumsan sapien dapibus. Etiam placerat blandit purus ut ultricies.


How did people in the past worship this god/ deity? In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Duis euismod elit non risus tincidunt suscipit. Integer at vulputate ante, non porttitor ipsum. Cras iaculis bibendum lacus, quis mattis felis mattis eleifend. Maecenas quis lorem vestibulum, mollis nunc quis, tincidunt nibh. Proin bibendum enim vel felis cursus vulputate. Nulla nec tincidunt ipsum.


How do the people in modern times worship this god/ deity? Nunc euismod est eu nulla sodales, in auctor nibh elementum. Etiam a leo eu ante dapibus sollicitudin sed non libero. Aenean faucibus a elit nec facilisis. Curabitur lacinia, mi quis eleifend rhoncus, eros diam consequat nulla, eu facilisis justo purus eu neque. Sed volutpat aliquet pretium. In quis viverra turpis, ac ornare lectus. Cras luctus felis in risus rhoncus ornare ut sed nisi. Proin consectetur ipsum at nisi laoreet, a accumsan sapien dapibus. Etiam placerat blandit purus ut ultricies.

— Procella —

Softest Embrace

  • ORDER The Exalted
  • DOMINION Night, discipline, transitions, forces
  • ABODE Paths 'twix the Astral Towers
  • SYMBOLS Blue+red; the moon, fungus, feathers


Describe the mythology/ origins of the god/ deity here. Nunc euismod est eu nulla sodales, in auctor nibh elementum. Etiam a leo eu ante dapibus sollicitudin sed non libero. Aenean faucibus a elit nec facilisis. Curabitur lacinia, mi quis eleifend rhoncus, eros diam consequat nulla, eu facilisis justo purus eu neque. Sed volutpat aliquet pretium. In quis viverra turpis, ac ornare lectus. Cras luctus felis in risus rhoncus ornare ut sed nisi. Proin consectetur ipsum at nisi laoreet, a accumsan sapien dapibus. Etiam placerat blandit purus ut ultricies.


How did people in the past worship this god/ deity? In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Duis euismod elit non risus tincidunt suscipit. Integer at vulputate ante, non porttitor ipsum. Cras iaculis bibendum lacus, quis mattis felis mattis eleifend. Maecenas quis lorem vestibulum, mollis nunc quis, tincidunt nibh. Proin bibendum enim vel felis cursus vulputate. Nulla nec tincidunt ipsum.


How do the people in modern times worship this god/ deity? Nunc euismod est eu nulla sodales, in auctor nibh elementum. Etiam a leo eu ante dapibus sollicitudin sed non libero. Aenean faucibus a elit nec facilisis. Curabitur lacinia, mi quis eleifend rhoncus, eros diam consequat nulla, eu facilisis justo purus eu neque. Sed volutpat aliquet pretium. In quis viverra turpis, ac ornare lectus. Cras luctus felis in risus rhoncus ornare ut sed nisi. Proin consectetur ipsum at nisi laoreet, a accumsan sapien dapibus. Etiam placerat blandit purus ut ultricies.


Exalted Emperor, Rayleigh

  • AGE: ~8yr/
  • GENDER: Male (he/him)
  • RANK: Emperor
  • STATUS: Unknown

Exalted Empress, Current

  • AGE: ~8.3yr
  • GENDER: Female (she/they)
  • RANK: Empress
  • STATUS: Deceased

Serena, Heir of Fortune

  • AGE: ~3.6yr
  • GENDER: Genderfluid (he/she/they/it)
  • RANK: Heir/Former Member
  • STATUS: Alive

Father Gideon

  • AGE: Unknown
  • GENDER: Male (he/him)
  • RANK: High Priest
  • MEMBER SINCE: Birth (?)
  • STATUS: Deceased

(Brother?) Alpheus

  • AGE:~4.5yr
  • GENDER: Genderfluid (he/she/they)
  • RANK: Priest/Former Member
  • STATUS: Alive


  • AGE: ~3.7yr
  • GENDER: Female (she/her)
  • RANK: Royal Guard/Former Member
  • STATUS: Alive


  • AGE: Unknown
  • GENDER: Unknown (he/him)
  • RANK: Doctor/Former Member
  • MEMBER SINCE: Unknown
  • STATUS: Alive

"The Witch"

  • AGE: Unknown
  • GENDER: Female (she/her)
  • RANK: Council/Former Member
  • STATUS: Alive