Cassian (Character Origin)



Cassian was a custom character created for me by thedawner. Final art was delivered to me on 03/13/2023.

This was my first time getting a custom from another artist, if I remember correctly. When the opportunity was offered, I was very excited.
I didn't give her a ton of direction, just a few do's and dont's, anatomy things I wanted, and a moodboard. I am incredibly happy with the result!

The finished character was posted to her social media in various places linked below:

This is the moodboard I created and gave to thedawner as reference:


Maybe it's more of a collage lol. I don't actually know how to make moodboards. These images come from a variety of sources, as you can see (none are mine, obv).


These are the original sketch and the finished lineart by thedawner. All WIP images can be found on this thread on her Twitter here (see all replies for various close-ups and videos).