


1 year, 2 months ago


Deity of Paper


Before the lil pedestal seemingly a royal seat meant for dragon or kin. upon it a crimson pillow lined at the edges with lavender and pink, its patterns interlaced with what appears to be tempered steel in colors yellow blue red, their rings spanning out further further. The edges of it turning into paper. Confounded you gaze before the empty seat. But there is a clairvoyant thought which emenates through your body. Everconstant, everthere, just like that the deity of paper beckons. The little figure turns and faces you in stop motion. You realise. The little figure, a paper swan seated silently upon the pillow. Without sound the little stop motion paper swan bows with its entire body. And so you bow too. Your wingtip begins to flake a bit. the little horn at the tip of your wing spirals out a bit into origami. You gaze close at the strange sprawl of papers, before the origami wraps itself reforming into your body again. You bow to the paper deity again, and she bows back. Around the ceiling paper starts unravelling from the ceiling of the tent.

"I am deaf." 
"I do not speak"
"approach with clairvoyance"

The multitude of scrolls oh so decorated displayed. So this was where Horadus and Lunae told you to go. Approach her with the knowledge, they said. Approach with clairvoyance in your mind. However the curious deity's beckons are yet again felt. She conveys to you in a peculiar way, a thought in 2nd person inverted, where 'you' means she and 'I' means you.

"do not speak"