Rozaliya (WIP)



1 year, 1 month ago



"Oh you're just too cute! Come, please help me prepare for the next service."

One paragraph is ideal but you could do more because this box scrolls!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In vitae ultricies augue. Donec sagittis erat vel quam porta faucibus. Ut lobortis ornare fermentum. Vivamus eros magna, euismod quis augue non, tempor ultricies massa. Curabitur ligula orci, aliquet nec luctus cursus, pellentesque aliquam nunc.


Demon Name content
Age content
Gender content (prn/prns)
Region ???
Birthday 17th July
Height 6'3
Weapon Gauntlets
Occupation content

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  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • Donec sagittis erat vel quam porta faucibu.
  • Ut lobortis ornare fermentum
  • Vivamus eros magna, euismod quis augue non, tempor ultricies massa

Design Notes

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
  • Donec sagittis erat vel.
  • Ut lobortis ornare fermentum.
  • Vivamus eros magna, euismod quis augue non, tempor ultricies massa.


Even when the god of the previous era, Morpheus, has passed on, many still believe she is watching over the three nations she ruled. As the last god to ever rule, it is believed she would answer the prayers of the people, and watch over children in their dreams. It is also believed serving in the church would bring you closer to her, and make it more likely for her to appear in your dreams. Rozaliya believes this.

As the head and nun of the church, she handles everything. Though tall, she is known to be friendly and lets her actions speak more than her words. She runs an orphanage in the church with the other nuns, and handles all church duties.

Rozaliya is always strong-willed and independent, but she also has a deep sense of compassion and a desire to help those in need. Fiercely protective of those she cares about and will go to great lengths to keep them safe. Amani has a strong sense of justice and will not hesitate to intervene when she sees an injustice being committed.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In vitae ultricies augue. Donec sagittis erat vel quam porta faucibus. Ut lobortis ornare fermentum. Vivamus eros magna, euismod quis augue non, tempor ultricies massa.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In vitae ultricies augue. Donec sagittis erat vel quam porta faucibus. Ut lobortis ornare fermentum. Vivamus eros magna, euismod quis augue non, tempor ultricies massa.

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