


6 years, 2 months ago


J o d i


Name: "Jodi"

Pronouns: They//Them

Age: 20

Species: Dragon//Wolf

Gender: Non-Binary

Orientation: Unlabeled

Voice Claim: N/A

Theme: N/A

"Oh! A new message in the group chat!"

"Jodi" is a wolf with some dragon genetics. They currently use a nickname of their bio name as they don't what to change their name to. They're glued to their phone, usually getting lost in talking to their two pals! If they're not chatting, they're usually playing games on their phone or watching youtube! Despite being very talkative with their friends, "Jodi" is rather socially awkward around strangers. Due to having four ears, they tend to avoid crowds and overall loud noises and places.


  • Cats
  • Reading
  • Gaming
  • Collecting Trinkets


  • The Cold
  • Spiders
  • Loud Noises
  • Chocolate


  • The rings on their horns represent their closest pals!
  • They can purr and rumble like a dragon!
  • They have a folder on their phone dedicated to their friends!
  • Their favorite snack is animal crackers and jerky!


  • Their hoodie is two sizes too big and is incredibly baggy on them!
  • They always have their jewelry on! It is mandatory in drawings!
  • Their socks don't cover their toe beans!
  • Their paw pads are the same color as the inside of their ears!
  • Their pupils are white!


"Jodi" by nature is rahter quiet and reserved. Around their friends they can get rather hyper and talkative! They tend to need to recharge after a call or game night with their friends due to talking too much, their throat stars to hurt. Despite their anxiety around strangers, they can get rather reactive and quick to anger if someone is trying to instigate a fight with them or any of their friends. "Jodi" views their friends as part of their hoard and gets rather protective over them.


Growing Up

"Jodi" grew up a rather curious child but overtime began to quiet down with maturity. Growing up, they didn't have the best control of their insticts and would snap at anyone who so much as looked at them a certain way. They ended up getting into fights and driving others away due to this but always thought it was because others didn't understand their reasons.

As the years went on, "Jodi" got a better grasp of their instincts and realized just how out of control they were growing up. They went on to change and get a better understanding of their draconic tendencies. They would go on to apologize to the people they cared about and learnt to understand their instincts and how to co-exist properly.


"Jodi" is currently living their best life being able to talk and hang out with their closest pals! They are looking into the various possibilities that their future holds and branching out to new, exciting things! Despite being busy most of the time, they always make time for their friends and the occassional power nap or two!

They're happy with how far as a person they've become and strive to continue changing for the better! They're forever grateful for their friends who are always there ready to catch them when they fall, just as they're there to catch their friends when they need someone to lean on.


Levin Best Friend!

Levin and "Jodi" have been pals for plenty of years! At a given point they had a small fallout that they both came to realize how childish it truly was; that the fight wasn't worth loosing the other over. They have been inseparable ever since! The two are always constantly bickering even though they both know there's no real malice behind their words. If anything goes too far, they both make it known to the other and talk it out instead of letting it go on and never worked on.

Levi is one of the few who are apart of "Jodi's" hoard. Despite "Jodi" being rather protective over Levin, they aren't one to shy away from returning the favor and has on numerous times, came to their companion's aid in a time of need. The two have a bond unlike any other and are almost always seen together along with their third companion, Cosmic! "Jodi" wears a gold ring on one of their horns to represent Noctis and that they're part of their family. They will always be grateful for everything Levin has done for them! ♡

Cosmic Best Friend!

Cosmic is the newest member to the hoard! They quickly earned their place amongst the others as "Jodi" grew attached almost instantly to them. Duis ut enim neque. Ut at enim ut ante iaculis fringilla a id sapien. The two were introduced through Noctis and it was safe to say "Jodi's" instincts instantly took a liking to Cosmic. The two grew to be close friends and are often playing video games together along with Levin! "Jodi" enjoys the chaotic energy Cosmic emitts and is usually in someway returning the vibes or fanning the chaos flames!

Cosmic is one of the few who are apart of "Jodi's" hoard. Despite "Jodi" growing to be rather protective over them, Cosmic is someone who doens't shy away from telling people off who try to start problems with any of them. The two have a blossoming bond as time goes on and are almost always seen together along with their third companion, Levi! "Jodi" wears a second gold ring on their other horn to represent Cosmic and that the spitfire of chaos that they are is apart of their family! "Jodi" is extremely grateful to have Cosmic by their side. ♡