


1 year, 1 month ago




Name Maplestorm
Previous Names Maple, Maplekit, Maplepaw
Age 15 Moons
Gender Female
Clan FernClan
Role Warrior
Previous Allegiances Loner
Theme Song link


  • Loyal
  • Cautious
  • Prickly


  • FernClan
  • The smell of leaf-fall
  • Hunting with friends

Maplestorm is a FernClan warrior and is the sister of Thorndusk. Both were born as loners outside the Clan and were taken in after their mother died. Maplestorm is a dark brown tabby she-cat with amber eyes. She is loyal to those she is close to, though she can be quite prickly at times.


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Maple and her brother, Thorn, were born to a lone she-cat on the outskirts of the Clan territories, though neither of them remember her name. Their father is also an unknown tom who was never seen in their lives. Their mother was struck by a monster and killed crossing the thunderpath that led away from the nearby Twolegplace and her kits had watched the awful event unfold. Thankfully, a patrol of FernClan cats led by Cherrycloud found them while investigating their mother's body and took them in. From there, Maple and Thorn were officially given Clan kit names (Maplekit and Thornkit) and were raised by their foster mother, Dottedpelt, who had two kits of her own, Shrewkit and Frecklekit. Eventually, another orphaned kit, was found on the edge of the Clan's territory. Her name was Dove and her mother had been killed by a fox. She became Dovekit and was part of the foster litter. Frecklekit and Shrewkit were given their apprentice names before their three foster siblings were. While they'd been wary of them at first, Frecklekit had eventually warmed up to them. His sister never did. Eventually, the three foster kits became apprenticed. Maplepaw was apprenticed to a gentle she-cat named Featherheart, who made sure she was treated the same way the Clanborn apprentices were. She trained under her mentor and did her best to prove she was as worthy as her Clanborn denmates. Although some of the other apprentices were less than welcoming, there were a few that didn't judge her for her birth status and she was able to make a few decent friends early on. While on a patrol with her Clanmates one day, they're ambushed by FadeClan and Dottedpelt is immediately killed when jumping in front of her to save her life. Shrewpaw blames her for her mother's death, claiming it's due to her "non-Clanborn" weakness, which leaves her wondering if she really belongs in the Clan at all. After a few moons of training, Maplepaw recieves her warrior name, Maplestorm. Her brother becomes Thorndusk, Dovepaw becomes Dovetalon, and Shrewpaw and Frecklepaw become Shrewpounce and Frecklepel.


Maplestorm is loyal to those she cares about and is fiercely protective of them. She loves her Clan and values the majority of her Clanmates, as she is grateful she and her brother were taken in by them to begin with. However, she's prickly to cats who try her patience regardless of wether or not they're members of FernClan. She especially doesn't have patience for cats like Shrewpounce of Junipershade. She tries her best to be a good warrior but can be somewhat impulsive at times.


  • Maplestorm's mother was a she-cat named Goldie and a tom named Rex. Goldie was a loner her entire life while Rex was a kittypet for the first half of his life until he grew bored of his lifestyle. They were mates for a very short period of time. Rex eventually died in a territorial dispute and had no knowledge of his kits.
  • Maplestorm and her brother likely would have joined the Clans even if their mother survived. Maplestorm is interested in the values the Clans uphold.
  • Maplestorm has always wanted to have kits someday.
  • The concept of the Dark Forest is something that scares Maplestorm.
  • Maplestorm doesn't mind leaving camp during rainy days and quite enjoys the sound of rain. However, she doesn't like loud thunderclaps.



Thorndusk [ brother ]

Thorndusk is Maplestorm's litter brother. They were born to a loner. When their mother died on the thunderpath between the Twolegplace and FernClan territory, a FernClan patrol took them both into the Clan. The two of them have always been extremely close due to the bond they've shared from being in their specific situation. Thorndusk is the cat Maplestorm cares about most and the two spend a lot of time together.


Dovetalon [ clanmate, foster sister ]

Dovetalon was taken into the Clan when she was a kit not too long after Thorndusk and Maplestorm were. She became their foster sister. She is close to both of them, though she prefers to spend time with Frecklepelt most. Maplestorm admires her for her skills and is sometimes jealous of her orderly conduct and how she doesn't seem bothered by Shrewpounce's snide comments. She someitmes misses when they were young kits, as they spent much more time together back then. At times, Maplestorm resents Frecklepelt and doesn't understand why he's more willing to accept Dovetalon than he is her and Thorndusk.


Shrewpounce [ friend, foster sister ]

Shrewpounce has always been snide and unfriendly toward Maplestorm. Since the day she and her brother were taken in as her foster siblings, she's been incredibly rude to them and constantly reminds them that they are not Clanborn. She likes to gossip about her with Junipershade and constantly pokes fun at her. However, her unfriendly behaviour has grown worse since the death of her mother, Dottedpelt. Shrewpounce blames Maplestorm for Dottedpelt's death and does not see her as a foster sister or friend at all.