Jonna Do



9 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info


June 9


Jonna is well known for taking little seriously, cracking jokes whenever she fells the need to and playing an occasional prank on those who suspect it least. Jonnas knowledge on treasures and the pursuits of such are as advanced as could be. She is very niave and easily distracted by any treasure she thinks she could get away with selling behind Darings back, usually setting off traps in the process, and bringing down the whole temple, with Daring pulling her out by her tail. She is very protective of Daring rather being with her than the Dr. Greedy-pants, as she calls him. She has a good heart and will not sell to any villian or any artifact that could harm others, unless its to a museum or someplace that it will be under lock and key. She is not so nice when it comes to bartering, she is stingy and will only spend what she has to, bartering others down to their lowest prices for supplies for her and Darings adventures (which Daring always tells her not to come on but somehow she ends up following her)