


1 year, 3 months ago

Basic Info










The Tail of Cansu






Edgar (Half Brother)


DawnHunter, Growl and Rise


FlareMane is a kind and gentle lion with everyone around him, being very understanding and empathetic, he has good strategy skills that make up for his lack of skills in physical combat.

He is Edgar's half brother, having different mothers, but the same father. As a young boy, several lions from the pride where Flare lived were sent into a turf war against a giant black lion. Staying Flare only with his mother, but she was very sick, passing away some time later, leaving Flare alone. He ended up being raised by his stepmother, and the mother of his half brother Edgar. The two always had a good relationship, Edgar being his younger brother. They had a group of friends, all close in age, consisting of him and edgar, umbra, iron and jackal. Flare, like his little brother, was never very good at fighting, and preferred to just stay on the lookout. But there would come a day when those times would have to change.

After growing up, the young lions now with grown manes, had to face an imminent danger, the war for territories had returned, and they needed to oppose and defend their loved ones and their place. All males were gathered for battle, however, during the war, Flare could not stand the pressure of seeing his friends being killed by the strong coalition they faced, and cowardly fled, abandoning his mission, his family, and his companions. A guilt he would carry all his life, for not staying and dying for the same cause as everyone else.

Going to the prideless stretch, he finds a young blue lion that becomes his company, they spend many years together, and make a good team, but one day, the two lions got a very intense dry season, dehydrated, thin and on the verge of after death, the lions left to travel at night, and rested during the day, avoiding greater suffering in the face of the hot sun. Flare was in worse condition, and could succumb at any moment, he was saved by Fog who found a place of water, which could offer some hydration and rest until the sun went down. When the same happened, Flare went towards Fog, who was lying down, but he did not move, Flare began to shake his friend, when he saw that he was no longer among them, Fog had died, with his eyes opaque and gray, Flare despairs for losing the only friend he had, and the worst is yet to come, as he would have to commit cannibalism if he wanted to survive that extreme hell.

One more of the many traumas that Flare would accumulate in his life. Flare in shock and delirium, did not accept the death of his companion, carrying his carcass for a long time until he could no longer support the weight of his own paws. Something told him he needed to keep going. That's when Flare gave up everything and committed cannibalism, the already decomposing carcass gave Flare some more time to live, and that's what he needed until he found a green place. Flare found a long and curving river, he had arrived at The Tail of Cansu, named after the river, in this place, there were many prey and places to thrive, and so Flare did. He grew, his mane became more dense, and he managed to regain his lost weight, that's when one day, he found a beautiful spotted lioness, who was in that place, but she belonged to a pride, with a lion that would not be easy at all to conquer.

Flare watched for weeks this pride, the giant black lion, it reminded him a lot of the one that Flare had fled during the war, and it made him blind with guilt, the spirits of his friends haunted him, he saw them often due to the delirium caused in the prideless stretch. That's when he decided to make a cruel decision, even in a greener place, it was still difficult to hunt and have something to eat, he needed help, he needed to take that pride for himself. Flare came up with a strategy and waited for the right moment to act, which didn't take long, as a storm was coming, that same night, a gigantic storm came, covering the ground of the meadow with mist and thick rain, and the big lion black was distracted, he was looking for his cub, Flare saw the perfect moment to attack, jumping from the high bush, he knew he couldn't miss, he lunged and scratched the face of the big black lion, blinding him in both his eyes once, the mane roared and landed a wound on its snout, knocking Flare away. Even injured, the big black lion managed to hit Flare with another blow, almost blinding him in one eye, the blood flowed a lot and left him with difficulty seeing, the lion's thick mane, prevented a fatal bite, that's why Flare was hitting him in several points with quick blows and agile dodges, hitting the tendons of his legs so he couldn't run, and increasingly weakening the enemy enjoying agile and accurate blows. When the lion couldn't fight anymore, he just started crying from his wounded eyes, and said his last words "My son!" before flare slammed her claws into his throat, causing him to bleed to death.

Flare wasn't strong, but by strategy and the enemy's emotional disadvantage, he managed to beat him, taking that pride for him, Flare in shock for what happened, he didn't want to cause more harm to anyone, and said over the old mane's body "I I promise, I'll take care of them" Flare didn't intend to kill anyone else, even if there were puppies, he didn't want that. But what he didn't know, was that the cub that the old mane was looking for, had seen everything, and fled in tears through the tall grass. When Flare regained his pride, he was not accepted at first, but over time everyone saw that he had a good heart and accepted him better, being DewNose's mate in the future, and having 3 beautiful cubs together.