Content Warning

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:


My main profile features bright colors and flashing lights, and may not be the best for people trying to avoid eyestrain. 

Many of my characters contain themes relating to codependency, and all forms of abuse-- sexual, physical, emotional, mental, familial, religious, romantic, platonic, systemic... The abusive elements are often abstracted through roundabout metaphor, but at times, it is explicit. I will do my damndest to mark what types of abuse, and when-- but in the case of the more surreal or abstracted ones, I may not be able to cover all interpretations. I understand that these are sensitive subjects, and I only ask that one proceeds with the knowledge that it could be triggering in ways that are hard to predict, and engage with my work in good faith. 

Many fictionalized forms of mental health struggles, predominantly those having to do with PTSD and C-PTSD, are present. 

Horror elements are present. At times, I may draw candy gore, and spend a lot of time exploring body horror, both visually and in my writing. 

I use a lot of bright and contrasting colors in my designs and artwork.

Thank you, and stay safe out there!

Character Content Warning

This character profile has been marked with a content warning:



⚠️Themes of Slavery/Forced Labor⚠️
⚠️Themes of Systematic Dehumanization⚠️

Thank you, stay safe!

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