Angelo Bernati



1 year, 3 months ago


Bought via Teenlin on Twitter for $35 on 15.03.2023


one might think beeing an Angel and to protect is easy.. Wrong.
For this Offspring of a High winged Angel and a Fallen Angel, comes the combination of yin and Yang.. Good and bad one might say.
Many suspect the fallen Angel had made a pact with demons and was about to take over the place. No confirmation however as the Offspring from this connection had been hidden before the Highups got wind of the child.
Born with a halo, his black and white wing and the long pointy demonlike ears, he hides a tail behind his appearance as well.
"Demonic Angel" one called him at birth.
Not sure what to do with the newborn, as they didn´t want to let others know, they tasked a human to hide and take care of the child. Masking his appearance. At first the humanform kept him hidden and well. Up to age 7 where his powers became more clearer and his points ears had shown.
The adoptiv parents made sure to inform the "Guardian" who had brought him there.
Revealing the truth for the kid and telling him to keep it a secret as the high ups might go after him and eventually either "get rid" of him or convince to work for them.

His appearance:
Normal- His two wings (One Black, one white), Halo, hidden tail behind and hidden paw/claw feet
Disguise- Hidden with humanoid form or his "elf ears" as he states


As a kid/Teen:

Knowing from his Guardian who he was and who his parents are, suggesting not to seek them out.. yet at least until the conflicts above have calmed down.
Getting information on his parents and Guardian what the "job" usually is fated for angels, demons and all.
Having demons "make deals and take souls as payment" (for most), to incubus/succubus to please and gather energy to Angels protecting and making sure a life is saved. This brought a big conflict for Angelo indeed as he didn´t know what path would be best.
Seeing the many faces how humans could be, his teenie path considered of a combination how he felt and how his mood was at the time.
Protecting those innocent ones who needed it, as well as taking the souls of those he chose and made deals with.
That was a path he thought would work best.
Too early dealing with an Underground "Boss" and managing to take over. Devouring his first "evil humans" souls and saving those captive. His powers fully evolving as he was.
The Souls he had devoured, would strengthn him and for a 17 year old who hated to see innocent be harmed or killed, he acted out of instinct.
His Guardian didn´t like his approach of taking over things and wanted him to become more of one like him to prove above that not all is bad.
Angelo hated to bow under others and wanted a peaceful world. Thus the first battle had begun
Fighting against his guardian for his right to do the way he wanted, getting a scar on his eye in battle.
Defeating his Guardian and telling him he will handle things on his own. Wounded, letting him live of course, promising to turn things to the better
While his Guardian spoke he shouldnt lose who he is within.
Since the "demonic/Fallen Angel side could corrupt who he is.
Knowing he will have things in place, Angelo remained where he was, running the Underground as the new Leader and changing things up: All the while supporting his adoptiv parents and saving those where he could.

Song inspiration:
The Call | Season 2022 Cinematic - League of Legends (ft. 2WEI, Louis Leibfried, and Edda Hayes) - YouTube
Warriors | Season 2020 Cinematic - League of Legends (ft. 2WEI and Edda Hayes) - YouTube


The young man who is still running the Underground Group and has founded his own company, supporting those who have come in debt, struggle to live, homeless and hurt. He made a safe place for those in need and helps where he can.
It is said that at times when dealing with bad people, there is a sparak in his eye where the scar was, and shows no mercy. Once again the name "Demonic Angel" came to word, and is known ever since as one.
The company he runs get´s support as well as help.
"WholeCare Company"- Where those in need, get the help they need.
Angelo knows how to run his businesses, from upper part to underground. Making sure "his" city is clean and well.

To Him

-He hides his feet/claws as these almost look like birdclaws. Pretty strong and sharp. He has them freely when alone in his room or hanging from the side when in big thinking. Otherwise has massive protective boots that cover and help him walk a bit better.
-Tail -Hides behind his back or wrapped around his hips under clothes when in public or hidden form. Since it can have a mind of it´s own (depending on mood) as he goes on emotions and situationwise. Practically using later on to hold things or later tease his assistant Jameson on occassions (Since Jameson is ticklish and Angelo finds the giggles cute)
-Carries himself in a strong form, as he can be very dominant on this.
-Educates himself on things he doesn´t know to make sure how to help best. While there are some baddies out there, making sure they get their punishment.
Beeing the one who can be pretty dangerous if not careful as he does train and strength daily to keep up.


-A demon/Goblin named Gorlin had vowed to be at his side as not to be killed off. Producing gold, coin and money which Angelo uses to finance his company and all that is needed. The goblinlike demon stands under Angelo´s guard from the other angels and from all causing harm.
Providing his support and advice, Gorlin became somewhat of an "uncle" figure as he was pretty old. But gave alot of good advice.

-Jameson Viola
A workaholic of a man who supports Angelo and as his main assistant, gives his boss the needed info. Beeing a human, he often reminds Angelo that good and bad vary and that one shouldnt jsut lean into one thing. Knows of the truth of Angelo.

-Lorelei Watson- Next to Jameson, a very loyal assistant who usually takes care of business matter and helps Angelo on his days. She has a loveinterest in him and Jameson. And knows of the truth behind her boss (just like Jameson) Often jokes around with Gorlin and brings him baking goods.

