Urim Gorzag



1 year, 3 months ago


Name: Urim Gorzag

Gender: Cis male

Pronouns: He/him

Race: Orc

Personality: Urim may appear tough and scary on a first glance, but he is actually very friendly and nice! He's not very smart, (He's a big himbo) but that doesn't mean he isn't useful. He loves animals, especially horses, and he's very skilled in battle. He works as a bouncer at a tavern.

History: Urim was born in Skyrim, into a stronghold called Gorzag. He was the chief's son, and was raised to be a skilled warrior, his large size making him quite reputable. He was a little shy as a kid though, which understandably clashed badly with the tough orcish culture, he got in trouble a lot for not wanting to hurt people and creatures. One day, the thalmor attacked his stronghold. They fought bravely, but the thalmor outnumbered them, and eventually took over the settlement. Urim was the only survivor, and barely managed to escape. He wandered for days, and eventually landed in whiterun where he started working as a hired sword. He went on many adventures, and with the money he got, raised a warhorse for himself that he named Arrow. Eventually though, he wanted to settle down, and became friends with a tavernkeep, Kerrik. They agreed he would make a great bouncer for the tavern, and he started working there, becoming quite acquainted with the regulars, and getting used to breaking up fights at the bar. Eventually Urim and Kerrik confessed their love for each other and became husbands.