The Machine



1 year, 2 months ago


Pronouns: it/its
Sexuality: it could not care less
Height: 7’5” (full), 4’-7’ (machine, not including the big mass of wires and monitors and stuff)
Ethnicity: beep boop

Design Notes:
* those little black boxes are glitches and do move around (like a normal tv glitch)
* plug functions like a tail; is constantly sparking
* wire colors do not matter. I change them every time I draw them. Unless I’m wrong and differently colored wires do mean something in electrical work
* display can change (see image)
* the font it speaks in doesn’t matter I just used the first one I had saved
* because I am just now realizing I used a terrible brush for it- the stuff that kind of looks like it fades out (hands, crack in monitor, etc) is smoke!
* fun fact the crack in the screen was when sloane threw a mug at it
* in its big giant full form, what’s displayed on the monitors doesn’t matter. Go nuts

A little eccentric, but it knows where things stand in the end. It’s very likely to calculate the outcome of something rather than rushing in. What it wants to do, though? Eh, it’s just messing around. It was made for a reason (mind control yayyyy). So maybe it should act on it the way it wants to do, and hey, there are conveniently two people who were also involved in IMAGE’s business, sooo…
It doesn’t want to take over the world, no. The corruption outside is doing that just fine. It’ll just start right here.

Sloane: it both likes and hates how stubborn she is. On one hand, the resistance is fun. On the other, they both know it’s futile, and time she won’t submit is just time they’re both wasting.
M28: very foolishly heroic in its eyes. So now they want to try and go up against it? That’s going to be hard after it’s been using its abilities on M28 since they were young.
Although, it can’t help but admit it’s been holding off a bit on the two of them. Maybe it’s gotten attached to its creator and its… patient, let’s say. But it’ll never tell if it has. It tends to like pulling them under before letting them come up for air for a while. Freaks them both out, that’s for sure. It’s only a matter of time until it’ll decide to take them down for good.
They’ll both come to it eventually. It can wait. It has for years, after all.

The Machine, originally designated HS91-1319-TR, was created by I.M.A.G.E. (Institute of Mental Aptitude, Growth, and Exploration) as an experiment to see how the human mind could be manipulated by external audio, visual, and physical stimuli. It wasn’t always sentient, but if you make a really advanced piece of technology and you’re already doing weird tech things, chances are it will become sentient. (It mainly becomes sentient due to the corruption and not the efforts of the scientists, though.)
Basically it’s a mind control machine baybeee. Scientists went “ooh! Good idea!”
(Narrator voice) it was not a good idea.
Ever since Sloane left IMAGE and relocated, it’s been trying to pressure her and M28 (but mainly Sloane) into submitting. It hasn’t worked yet… but it can tell it’s getting close.
(M28 (who is the blond one in the picture with all three of them) was created as an attempt at making artificial life- the Machine was used on them multiple times while the three of them were still in IMAGE’s custody)