★ Red ★ (Trade) (Quest)



Much less cursing than true to his charactER BUT HERE WE ARE.

"Your bean recieves a package but it doesn't belong to them... They must track down the owner!"

Half past 4pm and Red couldn't wait to get out of this hell-space that was his job. Seven and a half hours of pressing that useless celophane seal on paper products and joke money for nothing. Malachi-- screw him-- was the one that suggested he get this job to "not lay around and eat all day and be a productive member of society" or something dumb like that. Malachi's a freakin' hypocrit. All he does is shut himself up in the lab and drink 'til morning. Productive my ass. 

Red sighed as he watched the clock tick another one... two... three... four... GAH!! Hurry up you dumb clock so I can go home and play my games already!

The longest 30 minutes of his life and absolute hell. Red grumbled to himself and watched his phone battery slowly die from 3 percent to 2 percent. This damn bus needed to hurry up and get home already. His grey eyes glanced up as the bus came to a stop and some old lady from the back seat spent the next 30 seconds shuffling to the front to get off. Hurry up grandma and get off the freakin bus, some people have places to be! He grit his teeth and waited for the bus to continue to the next stop. His stop, thank god. All he wanted to do was play video games and eat for the next 10 hours and get marginal amounts of sleep so he could star the whole damn day over again tomorrow. No thanks to Freakin' Malachi does he gotta go to this damn job again and earn pocket change. 


"HEY!" Red immediately bolted up as the hydraulic doors to the bus closed. He beared his teeth at the bus driver who didn't make eye contact. "That was my stop! Pull the damn bus over before you start goin' and let me off." 

"Sir, go have a seat. You'll have to get off at the next stop." 

"That ain't happenin'!" Red snapped. His voice was deep and scratchy like an old smokers and severely contraindicated his short, round size. Despite his very gruff sounding voice, very few people took him seriously which only fueled the tiny man's anger. "Open the doors!" 

"Sir, if you don't sit down in your seat right now, I'll be forced to wait until you do."

"Go ahead. 'N open the doors while you're at it." Red's eyes narrowed further as he locked them with the bus man who finally made eye contact. What ensued was an awkward stare-off between two lowly society members over who would crack first. The people on the bus began to complain and yell at the two "sit down" and "open the doors" so they could reach the next stop. 

After ten unbearable seconds of additional waiting, the bus man begrugingly opened the doors. 

"Hah!" Red mocked and hopped off the bus. "Yer weak ya dumb community service w-- wait I forgot my phone!"

The hydraulic doors screamed to a close as Red pressed his face against them. "LET ME IN I FORGOT MY PHONE!" He squealed.

The bus driver gave him a subtle one-finger salute before the bus began to coast forwards. 

"STOP! I FORGOT MY PHONE YOU LITTLE--" Red huffed as the bus slowly picked up speed and continued on down the road. Well that's just great.

A 15 minute walk later and Red finally was approaching the house. His teeth grit and eyes narrowed to get a better look as he approached. A tiny, ornate looking package near the front door. Huh. Must be for Malachi, considering he didn't order anything recently. Red picked up the package and opened the door. The house smelled like tomato sauce though Red only ever noticed it when he'd get home from work. 

"Malachi! Package!" He yelled out and waited to hear any response. Nothing. Pretty typical. Malachi was probably working in the lab or still passed out from yesterday. Dumbass. 

Red opened up the fridge and stared at it's sparse contents: two eggs, some jam, a can of half eaten can of black olives, a lone lunch meat, and pickled jalapenos that neither of them had opened. He huffed and grabbed the can of olives along with a spoon from the cabinet. He searched for the tv remote for about 5 seconds before giving up and sitting on the couch to eat his olives and wallow in the crap-fest that today had been. Another meaningless day of work, lost his phone (and will probably find it in pieces if he goes to the community center for it tomorrow), there's nothing to eat, and the remote's gone... 

[783 words]

"Your bean recieves a package but it doesn't belong to them... They must track down the owner!"

"Dammit! WHY DOES MY LIFE SUCK!? I hate this place! I hate Malachi! I hate these damn olives!" He screamed and tossed the can and spoon at the tv. "I hate that I can't buy crap like--" His eyes turned to the box, just now noticing the gold sticker on it. Looked pretty fancy... His eyes scanned the lable. Who the hell is Cama Meal? It's the right address but not the right person. "Huh."

Red slowly got up from the couch and called again. "Malachi!" No answer. He glanced at the package and was tempted to open the box made out to some mysterous person.

Wait. Wait, no everything was starting to make sense now. This was karma! The whole reason his life has been an eternal suckfest! That's it! It was a sign. 

"I'll take this to the community center... Maybe they can find who this belongs to." Red nodded as he grabbed the box and headed out the door. He was dead set and determined to change the luck of his life around, even it it meant.. doing good things. 

Red waited with the package by the bus stop. The sun was beginning to set, his stomach was full of olives which was not ideal, and he still hadn't played any games yet. But dammit he was hellbent on changing his fortune. Ears perked as the bus pulled next to the stop and the doors swung open. 

"Uh..." Red balked as the bus doors opened to reveal the same bus driver as before. 

"Well well... look what weakling needs a ride." The driver eyed him as he leaned against the wheel. Red peeked inside, seeing only two people left on the bus, both of which looked like they were in it for the long ride and in no rush. 

"Funny story." Red laughed a little and climbed up the steps that led into the bus. "You remember me right?"


"Yeah," Red continued, "I think I left my phone here... Any chance someone dropped it by you?" 

Silence again. 

"No." The bus driver responded and pointed. "Go sit." 

"Did you go look for it at all? I mean, I was screamin' about my lost phone, you knew it was lost!" His voice started to raise. 

"Not my job. Go sit." The driver motioned again. 

Red's eyes narrowed at him as he sat back down where he was earlier that day and took the time while waiting for the stop to the community center to look. Nothing.... He sighed as he waited. Karma's a bitch. 

When the bus finally pulled to his stop, Red made his way to the front of the bus. He walked towards the door when it opened... "Hey." He thought about it and turned around. "Look I'm uh... s-sorry for what I said earlier. And bein' angry for you just doing your job." Damn karma sucked. 

Silence hung between them one final time.

"Anyways, I'm gonna go now." Red turned around and began stepping off the bus. 

"Wait." The bus driver spoke up before reaching into his pocket, and.. pulling out Red's phone! "I... debated giving you this back." 

"OH nice!" Red laughed as he took the phone back. "Karma is real!" He continued to laugh as he ran back off the bus and towards the center. Time to return this package and get his life back on track. 

Two hours later and Red was finally back home, this time plus one phone. He made his way to the kitchen for that last lunch meat before bed. 

"Hey Red." Malachi appeared from the other room and walked towards the kitchen. "You look like you're in an unusually high spirit." 

"I got karma, baby! My hell hole of a life is finally gonna be turnin' around. No more crap and nagging from you. No more bad work days. No more olives!" Red snorted as he ate up the meat. 

"Glad to hear." Malachi raised an eyebrow. "Though... karma isn't real." 

"Screw you it's real! And I'm gonna get a lotta it today because I did somethin' nice for someone." 

"Good for you." Malachi mused. "Say, you didn't happen to see a package here earlier today, did you? I've been waiting on something and it says it was delivered but it's not there." 

Red's heart slowed. "..... Tiny package?"

"Yeah." He motioned with his hands, the exact size of the box earlier today. "About this big."

"Cama Meal?" 

Malachi shrugged. "It was a joke name, but yes. Hopefully the delivery man got a good kick out of it."

Red remained silent then plodded past Malachi to the hallway. "I'M GOIN'A BED!"

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