I have these i'd possibly consider art for



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I have these two maybe they interest you ^^



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Sure! I like this one :3


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Great! Im gonna transfer the other then ^^

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What are you looking for Lumi in terms of art? Like fullbodies, half bodies, and etc?

I'd prefer fullbodies.

I can do 2 fulls for them ^^

Yeah I can do that. You can pick any two skellies from the last link.

Still doing these?

I may be completely misunderstanding, but I was wondering if you're still open for trading Anti-void for art?

Suuuper late, but yes. I have a bulletin here if still interested.

How would this boye work? I love your art btw, it's super lovely ^^

Ohhhh how many art pieces are you looking for them?

Well, pretty much anything works! I'd greatly prefer at least a fullbody, though.

How does 2 fulls sound to you? ^^

It sounds good to me! Do you possibly have discord?

Yup! It's MoonduskMorningstar#5970 

I have these two!

I Can always give the second a full design :)

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Hm, I kind of liked this kitty ! However I’d have to add more art for the second skeleton because I got them for free!

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Hopefully she interests you :)
