Arcene Bissette (Crane)



1 year, 2 months ago



Arcene Bissette

Arcene Bissette (Crane)
Ar-sen bee-say
Little dove, love, darling
2 years
Cottage Core
Nature lover
  • Always smiling
  • Giggly
  • Uses a soft and airy voice
  • In love with the idea of love



A pattern nearly identical to Karlek’s, but in the shades of Alaric: black, silver, and white. The only splash of color Arcene has are the unique chartreuse eyes that contrast brightly against her black mask, a mixture of Alaric’s yellow and grandpa Bjorn’s green. Everything about the girl is explainable, when it comes to features — well, almost. While each parent, and both siblings, are towering giants, Arcene is exceedingly tiny. Her entire family dwarfs her, practically a mouse beside lions. Though, the rest of her is simply average, she’s just a pinch small.


What happens when you mix a Crane and a Bissette? Well, whatever it is, Arcene did not get the memo. A supporting side character and never the main event. She is the definition of Cottage Core: a curious girl, a wanderer, a “let’s just lay in the flowers, next to the babbling brook” kind of wolf. The only advice she will ever give is simply do what makes you happy! Her calmingly soft presence is filled with support, love, and gentleness— especially for her family. Ary adores nature, marveling at its beauty and favoring the many scents of herbs and soil. It is not uncommon for her to give flowers, rocks, feathers, and other trinkets to those she cares deeply for. It seems impossible to shatter her warmth.

  • Her Family
  • Flowers
  • Rivers
  • Stars
  • Yelling
  • Violence


Biological sire, unknown, estranged
Dad! Light of her life! Loves him! Adores! Flawless!
Loves! Adores! My best friend, my sister, my all!