Nova (Evilvatia AU)



1 month, 24 days ago


NOTE: This tab is a part of the EVILVATIA AU and is not canon to the character's original story.
Evilvatia and this character's design in it, and  were created by rxbinwxng, go check them out!

Infinite Destiny, One Guidance

"Do not fret, all of this is for a good cause. To forge better endings to each and every story."

The Ultimate Overseer and the star assigned to watch over Elevatia itself, Nova is  the leader of the Navigator Stars as a whole. Being given the  instruction to protect and navigate from someone above and between, they  have since acted as Elevatia's leader. Ever since that initial vision, Nova has heard whispers from the one that sent it via their third least for some time. Then they didn't.

Creator's visions stop, and Nova is left in deafening silence. In their absence, Nova learns what Infinity and the fourth wall are. They get the idea of ascending to narrator status themselves and using the power for good, by any means necessary. Including mass murder in order to power a giant warp tunnel to go beyond their own existence. And that's the beginning of their plan.

(This is all basically what's on the "summary" page of the Evilvatia AU, so go read that for a little bit more info.)