Lukeis Cyteer



1 year, 2 months ago


Lukeis is an incredibly intelligent troll. Mutated inteligance, literally. Anything he can imagine he can invent, he can solve a 100 peice rubix cube in a split second, but he moves slow because he's in no rush. His smarts wherent something that he really wanted as a kid though, he couldnt really handle it, there was too much going on in there. It gave him a lot of emotional problems. He can never sleep, he needs to drink to even get that brain of his tired. It doesn't help hes got crazy depression. Logically, at a young age he decided the best thing to do was remove himself from all emotion. Not feeling is easier than feeling, and that way he can think clearer and solve problems faster. Hey. I didn't say he was emotionaly inteligent. Currently, he is so numb that he lives entirely bored. So bored in fact, he really doesn't care about practically anything, not even his own life, or his relaitonships. Nothing. He's burried all his emoitions so far down they're practically gone
He has an extremely dry and sarcastic sense of humor. Others at times have trouble understanding him. Like I mean seriously- its impossible to tell if he means what he's saying or not. This isn't a problem to him because he doesn't jest to make others laugh. Just to entertain himself- he is the only one entertained by his "jokes" anyways. The only emotion he's shown to anybody is, well, nothing- with a tad of smugness. Nobody knows how he feels about anything and nobody wants to ask him. this guy hasn't felt happiness in sweeps
Besides trying not to kill himself, Luke has a few hobies. His main interest would have to be anything to do with computers and machinery. He likes sci fi movies and old arcade games, like tetris and doctor mario. His favourite is star trek, and has been creating exact working replicas of the techonoly from the show since he was little.
5'10, 8.3 sweeps, slightly off-coloured cerulean blood body type: avarage lengthy nerd
Mage of Mind