Totally Space Walter White



1 year, 2 months ago


WIP obviously 

not actual cannon name but haha walter white am i right guys 

what gender??? no gender, gonna attempt maybe neopronouns??? i dont fucking know what to do with walter white 

drugs! yaaaay highly addictive- bye bye sad feelings, only good feelings 

businessmannnn, doesn't actually wanna wipe out the planet population-willing to offer a space ship for survival until they find a better planet for survival
(or offers them to join up on his ship and live there untill they find a better planet for them-cryogenic freezin of people n shit??? harvesting of organs????)
(organs could be treated by some as a delicacy-COOK)

something something take your worries away for the price of your planets resources 

mind fuckery powers- something something you need to stop fighting to get outta the trance, let yourself be consumed by the feeling- 

Theme-for now- 

So you know how if you show off a screen showing off a screen? N then theres just endless ammount of screens? That's how the power feels at least