


1 year, 1 month ago




 日本語 ベリル

 Age ???

 Birthday ???

 Gender Female (She/Her)


Beryl has been a mercenary at the Dual-Wings Mercenary Guild, a large and well-established guild in the country of Courcé for a couple of years now. She considers it her home, and spends little time anywhere else. While she is a mercenary for hire in technicality, she rarely takes on jobs particularly far from the guild, and more often than not seems to be handling busywork around the place when she is sought out.

Beryl is positive, but not the overly-energetic sort of cheery. Having been at the Mercenary's Guild for a little over a year now, she is technically one of the newer members--but she still tends to try to act like a helpful senior to those newer than her. She seeks others out from time-to-time, but spends a surprising amount of time on her own. Her past is shrouded in mystery, and she doesn't talk of any sort of family--she tends to avoid the question. She is very practiced with a Lance, and approaches it with a sort of artful skill.


Beryl is short, standing at just 5'0". Her back-length dusty pink hair is generally tied into two high twin tails, which almost obscure her pointed ears. Her skin is a cooler shade of brown, and her fiery orange eyes stand out with a bit of a glimmer. 

Her style of dress is generally feminine, but simple and with room to move easily. Beryl tends towards wearing warmer colors, especially shades of red and yellow. She is never seen without gloves. 


  • The Guild & Mimir
  • Doing basic chores like cleaning
  • Art & Illustration


  • Small talk
  • The Fae Plains
  • Gossips







