charlotte novak



6 years, 23 days ago


charlotte novak

librarian fire-witch kind of exhausted


"don't touch that, callahan, it's breakable"

Name charlotte annabel novak Called miss charlotte
Age 34 D.o.B. september 19th, 1984
Gender female Pronouns she/her
Height 5'3 Build average
Demeanor exasperated Style cardigans, jeans, knee-length skirts when she's feeling fancy
Race african-american/white Origin just your run-of-the-mill witch


Motivation to learn as much as she possibly can Goals to get a job she likes, tell jenny callahan how she feels, and stop accidentally setting her plants on fire.
Disposition professional, sometimes overly correcting Outlook secretly an optimist
  • meticulous
  • honest
  • loving
  • quick-witted
  • nit-picky
  • hot-headed
  • tendency to repress
  • doesn't forgive easily
  • working in her garden
  • jenny callahan (shhhh)
  • learning new things
  • a neatly organized workspace
  • clutter
  • feeling rejected
  • being afraid
  • condescension
  • whatever she's reading
  • "enough about me, how are you?"
  • the supernatural baddie of the week
  • philosophy, history, all the fun stuff
  • her sweater color = her mood
  • loves cheap artificial candy
  • brings flowers from her garden to work
  • secretly writes sonnets about. someone


Charisma Kindness
Temper Patience
Intelligence Judgment
Integrity Confidence
Maturity Humour


charlotte novak grew up in england with her non-magical dad, who explained that she must have gotten her powers from her long-vanished mom. her dad didn't talk about her mom a lot, but what he did tell charlotte was that her mom hadn't really been prepared for a baby and she'd decided to take a different path than him, which charlotte kind of understood but also kind of felt bad about.

all things considered, though, charlotte had a pretty good childhood. when she was fifteen, her dad married a really sweet professor who was most of the reason that charlotte herself started seriously thinking about becoming a librarian. as of now charlotte has two half-sisters and one half-brother, the youngest of whom is in middle school, and they all really love it when she shows up for thanksgiving.

charlotte headed off to college in america partially because she wanted to go somewhere new, partially because the magic scene in america was a little more welcoming to beginners (in england, most family magic stays in the family), and partially because she'd met a really cute american girl on vacation one time. she's kind of a disaster lesbian. so she got her degree in library sciences, started renting a small house with a garden out back, and got herself a temporary job at a police precinct with the hopes that it'd lead to bigger, better things.

charlotte doesn't tell anyone this, but she's always on the verge of looking for her mom. she doesn't know whether she wants to meet someone who's had such a big impact on her life just by not being there, though, so she never actually follows through.


Arc One

miss charlotte is more than tired of being undervalued, underappreciated, and condescended to at her place of work, and has adopted the name "miss charlotte" because it's the only way she can get her coworkers to treat her with even the smallest modicum of respect. frankly, if they don't even notice her efforts, she's just going to let jenny callahan repeatedly break into the precinct to steal files. and then put them back later.

Arc Two

so miss charlotte dated ONE girl for TWO weeks and now callahan is dating everything with a pulse? she's not JEALOUS. shut up. stop looking at her like that.

Arc Three

miss charlotte has finally decided on joining callahan's detective organization, mostly because library work is getting a little old and she likes the idea of doing something that has a genuine impact. but callahan's being a little difficult lately, so she thinks she'll let her dangle. just a little.


  • miss charlotte loves oliver. she does think he's a little much sometimes, but so does everyone.
  • everyone's always giving miss charlotte unsolicited romantic advice re: jenny. it's exhausting.
  • jenny hasn't once called miss charlotte "miss charlotte" or even "charlotte." it's always a cleverly worded nickname.
  • no one actually knows miss charlotte's a witch. she doesn't bring it up all that often.


Theme lowkeywicked MBTI content
Orientation lesbian Sign virgo
Alignment true neutral Ennegram 5w6
Sin envy Virtue prudence
Tarot temperance/the hierophant Flower fern
