Moon'Flicker's Comments

This user's account has been closed.


This user's account has been closed.

Offering 2 shaded headshots and a flat full 

Adding 20$

May I offer 2 fullbodies, 2 rendered headshots, & 3 chibis?

I’ll accept your offer! Your style is adorable hehe. Mind if i message yu the details? (Discord can work too, if you want)

My reply might be a bit late as I got some stuff to do

OMG I wasn't expecting this at all! Tysm^^

I don't have discord so feel free to message me :>

Would anyone in this Folder & Subfolders interest you? I'm willing to trade multiple characters for them!

offering two full bodies, one sketchy full body, and anyone in my th (Willing to give multiple)

anyone in my th?