


1 year, 2 months ago


Name Lichenchime

Former Names Lichenkit

Typing Grass/Flying

Gender Demi-girl (She/They/It)

Orientation Demi-romantic Lesbian

Age 25 moons

Rank Herbalist

Residence Windclan

Dandelions - Ruth B


Lichenchime is a fairly tall molly with blue-gray fur, and darker spots. She has one green eye on her left and one blue eye on her right. For accsesories, she wears two stalks of lavender behind her right ear, a woven grass pouch, and a braclet with a peice of amber tied to it. She has gentle pink skin aside from the brn scars on her sturdy bird legs.

She has no front paws, instead she has 4 wings, all representing that of a bluejay's. She has dark, sturdy, and burned bird legs with a fluffy tail tipped in a lighter color. She has a mane of bluejay feathers on her neck.

Design notes
  • Stands on her bird legs, not using her wings
  • Accesories not opt
  • Has a pouch, lavender, and a bracelet
  • Refrence sheet drawn by Parker (napkitt on TH)
  • 62494145_EFDuRDYLyxQvvb1.png?1679803156

    Lichenchime is an anxious molly who dreads being left alone. Loud noises and crowds freak her out but she has pushed those back so they can work on helping their clanmates when they need it. It has come a long way from being a terrified kit to a somewhat monotone adult who doesn't care what her friends or close family care about her. It often stresses about its appearance to others and will preen and groom its pelt until spotless.

    She longs for approval of her elders, wanting to know if shes doing things right, and what she should do

    • The scent of lavender
    • Being in the open air
    • Beartumble... (She's hopelessly in love!)
    • The sound of gentle rain.
    • Cramped places
    • Loud sounds
    • Getting yelled at
    • Being trapped
    • Screaming
    • The dark
    • Being abandoned
    • Death of those she is close too











    Herb Knowledge






    Faith in StarClan


    Kithood - From the moment she could process things right, she noticed something. Her father Lionmane was all over her brothers, leaving her and her mother in the nursery alone for hours sometimes. So what? She got to spend time with her Mama! She spent her time with her mother, learning plants and bonding. Her brothers loved her though and her father did as well, Silentstalk just didn't let him rough-house with it like he did with his sons. Lichenkit made friends with another kit in the nursery, Bearkit. They became great friends and often played. Then tragedy struck. Sickness swept through the nursery like a bad leaf-bare blizzard taking Barkkit and Mosskit with it. Lionmane suddenly held her closer than normal, her mother as well. Not two moons later, its parents were out hunting for the fresh-kill pile when a badger attacked them. They were found a few hours later and brought back to camp. Lichenkit broke out of the nursery past Stormshade to see the commotion but soon regretted it. She laid with her mother and took the lavender from behind the molly's ear and wore it to live in her mother's memory. A moon later, Windclan's herbalist, Beeflight, received an omen from Starclan to make Lichen her apprentice and she soon did when the kit came of age.

    Apprenticeship - Its apprenticeship had a rocky start. Their friend, Bearpaw, distanced herself from it to focus on her training. She was interested in what Beeflight taught her, learning the herbs quickly but still making too complicated herb mixes than what she needed. Beeleap and it went on training sessions as normal before a kit named Tipkit just seemed to vanish. She helped search after Wrenkit and Lightkit came to her in a panic. Weeks later, Beeleap gave her lessons on how to control her plants when her emotions went crazy after she cut her paw on a bramble she grew. Then the drought started. The water seemed to just vanish from their water source, leaving cats to die from dehydration. Dawnstar announced the moving of the clan underground to protect them from the heat. He then made a deal with the Riverclan leader, Vaporstar, to let them take water from the gorge in exchange for Riverclan getting a tunnel from the gorge to Fourtrees to allow gorge cats to attend gatherings. Then Beeflight gave her the test she had been waiting for. She answered each question with confidence and was just a little hurt when Beeflight talked ill about her worst day. Afterward, they went to the moonstone for Lichenpaw to get her full name.

    Current - After being named Lichenchime, she met with Starclan where she met Frogleap, Beeflight's mentor, who told her. "A single spark will start a flame. Truth is the only thing that will quench it, and truth lies in the heart. Never stop following yours." She didn't know how to think of this message so she continues to think about it. It went to rest after the meeting but could not find peace. She instead found pain and agony and Starclan granted her the second typing she had been waiting for, Flying. Dawnstar came into the den and comforted her as her wings grew, helping her through the sheer pain of the event. Rosepaw approached her and asked her to help with a project. She agreed to help out, finding the idea to be brilliant. Hours later, Beartumble came into the den with a thorn in her paw. The Herbalist removed the thorn, the two agreed to talk again soon. Beeflight led an attack on the Rising empire.. Lichenchime was not aware of this until Stormshade came to her for herbs. She rushed to the battle, to stop beeflight. She was attacked by 2 cats before saving Crownpaw. There was a loss, Stormshade was murdered by a tom named Beechblitz. She was so mad at the tom. She found Beeflight! They fought, emotions flying like feathers from a fallen bird. Lichenchime was severely burned on her legs and lost her respect for her old mentor before flying off to save the life of windclan's elder, Whirlwing. Beeflight was killed by Ivystar, burned to a crisp, leaving her ashes to be spread by Lichen. After the battle, while she was recovering, the herbalist was visited by Beartumble. The guard embraced her in a hug and they shared a few words, before exchanging gifts and Bear leaving in an awkward hurry- Did Lichen mess up..? After a terrifying gathering, learning about a group of loners and the fact that the mist could just reach out and TAKE a cat, Lichen flew home as fast as she could. Flew fast for Beartumble. As she returned, she crashed into Bear, learning that she didn't mess up, and that Bear would be there for her.


    • Name
    • Lichen - Her mother was going with plant names for her kits, naming her after the plant and the first thing she grew.
    • Chime - For her ability to bring others together naturally, the only tool being her personality, just as chimes bring others together through music
    • Is very in love with Beartumble, I think she might have noticed the Guard's similar feelings. And the denial she felt..
    • Plants are her PASSION! She loves to grow flowers

    Friend and Crush

    "These feelings are so warm, I just hope she feels them too."

    Lichen enjoys the guard's comaney and has fallen in love with her. She doesn't know if Beartumble feels entirely the same.

    Adoptive Father

    "Dawnstar is a great leader, as well as a great father, I couldn't cope without him."

    Lichen admires Dawnstar, and is glad he took her under his wing. Without him it could have never learned to fly, or have made it though the night when she gained her typing.


    "Will she approve of who I love? She may be done but I still hope she will.."

    Lichenchime subconsciously blames herself for the death of her mentor. If she had succeeded in stopping the battle, maybe the bee cat would still be here.

    Adoptive Sister

    "Fae is so chaotic, but shes done alot for the clan. A good inventor too."

    Lichenchime sees Rose as a little sister, and that is what their dynamic has become. She was glad to help with fae's Sleepy Hollow project.

    Adoptive Brother

    Pounceflip has so much energy, I don't know how Gritpaw keeps up with him! He's so silly, it's hard to stay mad around him.

    Lichenchime sees Pounce as a little brother, just as she sees Rosespire. They have a great dynamic and she loves to tease him about his energy, a sibling rivalry of course!

    Bio Father

    "I wasn't the closest with Father when my brothers were alive, but his sudden need to care for me was surprising."

    Lichen wished she was able to get a bit closer with her dad before he passed, she doesn't really have much of an opinion on him.

    Bio Mother

    "Mother! Oh I loved my Mother so much. She taught me so much about growing plants, and spent so much time with me."

    Lichen spent most of her time as a kit with her Mother, Silentstalk showed her so many different plants and flowers, especially lavender!

    code by jiko