TACK!! ☆



1 year, 2 months ago



weird ass hell mannequin(??) got DAMN!! ⚓️

He/They/It - 6'9 

" MODIFY!!!!" ~°★


A weird.. multicoloured doll obsessed with body modification, wether that be other people or itself - he cant feel pain but still thinks it funny! 

also makes alot of really corny jokes

Very silly and bizzare ,,, id just say away from them for your own physical and mental health...... he is insane but its ok ♡ 

ATK: 22 (but higher if has weapons)

DEF: 49 (Is a doll but the cut in his back is a weak spot)

DEX: 45 (no bones so wee!!!++!! but he kinda clumsy,,,,)

INT: 33 (his mind is a bunch merged into one give it some slack)

CHAR: 34 (eeby)

WIS: 20 (nothing smart but knows an awful lot about sewing!...... and cults?)

SPD: 45 (mama mia)

hiz writing??.. speech?? i duno

replaces swear words with stuff like "bobbin" or "felt"..... but also bypasses this alot??+?????

enjoys naming stuff - specifically beetle names

writes his i's with  a little ° and has very mesy writing!!!

voice is a bit scratchy and hurts your ears but again im not even sure if he has vocal cords....or if theyre his

it's saw'll good man!!

- His main weapon - a rusty saw which he pulls out of his back........ how much stuff does it have in there??


- Grabs a contestant and just throws them, along with weapons

Nailed it!!!

- who gave it a box of nails

Right to the point!!!

- stabs the contestant with his tails

i actually like the colour red alot

- stabs/charges at the contestant with his horns


- if In close range and has no weapons - "needle teeth" will come out of tack mouth and bite the contestant (not actual teeth he is teethless :(

Upsie daises!!

- hangs from the ceiling using his two tails..... scar e

Though dont expect it to always be this attacks... tack is very unpredictable and will litrealy do almost anything if it means removing atleast one of your limbs!!

if your boring theyll get annoyed because HE HATE BORING PEOPL E !!!!!! 

things on his head arent ears.... they are a lemon demon creatur !!!! ~°★