
1 year, 3 months ago


Name: Crystal

Nickname: Cris

Gender: Female

Pronoums: She\her

Sexuality: Assexual

Age: 14

Birthday: 12\2

Height: 1,6

Species: wolf

Role: x

Theme: Song Name

About: She is a little girl that cryes diamonds

Personality: kind, cute, sometimes extrovert, sometimes quiet

Likes: her "brother", cute stuff, walk in the park, play with toys

Deslikes: go to school, people tryng to get her diamonds

Backstory: She was born in the forest along with her mother, but when she was born, her mother realized that she was crying diamonds, knowing the danger she could be in, she isolated her in a dense forest and stayed there until she turned 14, when her mother died. She came out of the woods and found a really nice guy on the outskirts, they walked a little bit but she tripped and fell, because of the pain she started to cry, and then the dog saw that she was crying diamonds.He told her to wait, because he was going to bring help, but when he came back he brought with him 3 more big dogs that tied her up and threw her in a truck, they took her to the jewelry store they worked and locked her in the basement, every day they did things terrible for her to cry and so they get infinite diamonds. But a guy did not agree with this abuse and one day he released her, but the others got to know and attacked him, one managed to hurt her, but he saved her and so she ran outside, on the way finding Lotus, she asked him for help and he took her to the hospital, when they got out they realized they were very similar so they agreed to pretend to be siblings so she would be safe.

Trivia: she tries to be stronger emotionally so she doesn't cry

at first she would have 18 years old

No one knows exactly why she cryes diamonds

Relationships: Lotus:Her adoptive brother, she really likes him

Lavanda: Her mother, she loves her