The Historian ★



1 year, 1 month ago


Name: The Historian

Species: Unknown

Age: Probably around 1000

Location: Everywhere

Occupation: Historian, writer, storyteller

Abilities: ???

Likes: Traveling, being unpredictable, messing around with some people.

Dislikes: People full of themselves.


Background: He used to work as one of the assistants of Alexandrios before the latter decided to replace all of them with automatons after Tavus betrayed the god of knowledge. After this event, he decided to roam the galaxy as a historian, writer, and storyteller. Annoyed by how Alexandrios recorded events only in very factual, cold, and objective manners, he decided to do the opposite and use his ability to describe events and people through his point of view and the one of others. For him, history is made by people through people, and only describing it with a cold scientific methodology and with distancing yourself from the thoughts of the witness of the time makes you miss the big picture. He thinks that the testimonies of everyday people are as important, and small events that would be considered insignificant interest him as much as bigger ones.

Personality: The Historian is overall a very mysterious individual that never says anything about himself or his origins, and is a bit of a wild card that can appear everywhere at any moment. He is very kind with most people he meets, but he really despises people who abuse their own power to do wrongs and will actively work to make them feel miserable. The Historian doesn’t seek to be famous, that is why he never displays his real name, but he hopes to transmit a part of himself through his writing and ideas and make knowledge accessible. He also likes to expose the gods and important figures' misbehaviors a lot. The biographies he writes are often filled with a lot of cynicism and mordant.

  • He especially likes to travel in small towns, share a drink with locals, and then vanish in the same way he arrived.
  • Likes to collect small objects and share tons of silly anecdotes.
  • Nobody knows what’s in the tubes on his back; some people say that they saw him enter and disappear in it.
  • Can remain very polite while completely insulting you at the same time.
  • He uses his small owls as recorders to not forget interesting ideas, but also as magic items to cast diverse spells.


Alexandrios: Doesn’t seem to be particularly bitter of having been replaced as an assistant and still acts as one of his disciples and followers but doesn’t hesitate to criticize him, his actions, and methods.

Tavus: Knows him very well as they were both Alexandrios’ assistants and even calls him “brother,” but he quite dislikes Tavus for his past actions and his arrogance.