Christopher Varneau



6 years, 2 months ago


Name: Christopher Varneau

Gender: Male

Nickname(s): CV, Chris, Chrissy (He dislikes this one) 

Personality: Despite his quiet demeanor, he enjoys being around other people, even if they're annoying. In fact, he tends to prefer loud and obnoxious people because they overshadow the fact that he barely speaks, but they always seem to notice him and it makes him happy. He's a tad bit girly - he enjoys gardening and working with flowers, and despite being oftentimes sensitive to harsh comments, he waves off bullies' rudeness with ease. He's lanky, and because of it fairly weak and unable to defend himself in a fight-like situation (This includes physical abuse from bullies). He's affectionate with his parents in the few words that he tends to say. He's also sensitive with noticing other people's emotions, but doesn't do well in a consoling or pressured position. 

Mini Bio: His parents aren't strict with him, so he tends to do what he wishes around the house and helps his mother with her bakery, despite not having any knowledge of how to bake. Any flowers that decorate the front of the bakery are from his personal garden - he grows them all from seeds - and it's due to his vegetables and fruits that their dinners are always colorful. His mother appreciates him, his father respects him, but life isn't as easy at school. He's picked on, but ignores a majority of it, and scores averagely in his classes. His few friends attempt to defend him, and he appreciates that fact, but he tells them that he isn't bothered by the bullying despite the fact that he is and simply disregards those hurt feelings.