Dorian Aludel



1 year, 1 month ago


Name: Dorian Y. Aludel

Age: Depends on which time frame we’re focusing on (Less than a year in the canon timeline for Fullmetal Alchemist or closing in on seventy three years in ‘modern’ time of 1990s)

Pronouns: He/Him

Race: Horrible Clay Construct Lion (a hybrid of alchemy and eldritch abomination blood)

Clay Color: Corpse Tint Green and Forest Green (Purposefully made that way to tell him apart from Ernest, folks weirdly love Dorian’s coloration.)

Eye Color: Literal gold orbs (Freddy got a couple of mini gold orbs on discount when shopping for supplies.)

Height: About eleven inches in height.

Weight: About as heavy as a box of cereal.

Ability: Creation- Whereas Ernest represents Dolly’s destructive capabilities, Dorian represents Dolly’s powers to create. While no, Dorian can’t produce horrifying plasma blasts or dissolve living matter into his body, Dorian is able to devour raw materials and convert it into something new. Take for example if Dorian ate copper, he would create silver after a digestion period. This goes the same for touch, if Dorian is handling something for long periods of time, the matter converts into something else (Example: Turning lead paint into gold leafing after handling his favorite toy train). In short, Dorian is a bit of a living athanor of sorts when it comes to creating new materials. The only thing no one is sure of, including Dorian himself, is if the clay asshole could in fact transmute living matter. Some would argue that the yellowjackets in the stone is proof of it while others would point out the insects likely died and were likely just added in as non living matter. Dorian, like Ernest and Fairfax, if given enough materials to devour to make up for mass, if Dolly is knocked unconscious, they can basically take small parts from their clay bodies to knead into Dolly’s body as a jumpstart to reawakening her. Because Ernest, Dorian, and Fairfax share the same blood from Dolly, they are all able to communicate with one another telepathically.

Likes: Model trains, delicious inorganic items, being a pain towards Freddy, throwing things that Dorian hates out of the window, being warm, cozy outfits, trying out finer meal items, getting to exercise creative attack methods, and scarves.

Dislikes: Being on airplanes (Likes the models but hate being inside of one), Freddy, being freezing cold, being touched on the head (His mark is an off switch), being confused for a dog, smooth jazz, having the paint on his first toy train turn golden in color, and the fact he cannot come up with quick comebacks without Ernest’s help.

Personality: An overprotective jerkass that is a bit smarter than his older brother Ernest. Dorian is considered to be the ‘nicer’ of the three siblings as he doesn’t go for killing outright as an option. When Freddy isn’t around, Dorian is mostly a giant cuddle bug that likes being held or playing with model trains. Dorian, while not able to produce the same blasts as Ernest, he is, however, a very creative jackass when violence is needed. Dorian is extremely good at improvising on the fly, though he is terrible at witty comebacks, often needing Ernest to come up with something good. If not able to get a comeback, Dorian will simply just banshee screech until the Face Fur leaves. 

Bio: Like Ernest, Dorian was made in a very cheap apartment by Freddy who was deemed as suitable to be given to Dolly thanks to not dissolving a chunk out of Freddy’s arm. For the most part in combination of being separated from Ernest and being made to stay in a dormant state inside of a crate, Dorian grew a very strong resentment towards Freddy. The first thing Dorian did the moment he was given to Dolly was throwing the crate out of the window. From there on, Dorian had the rule of no crates and no touching of the forehead. Because the blood came from Dolly, Dorian is a bit of a ‘Mama's boy’ when it comes around with her and is often cuddled right by Dolly.