Ingrid Dufour



1 year, 6 months ago

Basic Info


Vampiric Pactmaker




February 28th


5'10" (~178 cm)


- Uses fire and lava magic

- Prefers to use twin fiery greatswords

- Likes to flaunt her superiority over others, which she often has excuses to do

- Misses the days she was younger and more active, but it's hard for her to imagine being away from the desk too long

- Loves drinking human blood, but it's difficult for her to get nowadays 

A vampire-like devil from Apollyon, Ingrid is a very powerful entity even by devil standards (devil is a classification for very strong and influential demons already). She’s accomplished this by creating an extremely expansive network for creating deals by having and adopting upwards to (currently) 20 children, along with creating a “business” of sorts that has weaker demons working to make deals for her in exchange for using her power and network.

One would expect Ingrid to be very cold and indifferent to those around her given her position, but she’s surprisingly gentle and caring to those she likes, especially her children. However, if she does not like someone and they give her a reason to be angry or upset, she can absolutely be cruel and merciless, especially if her trust is broken or she is betrayed. Also to note is that like many other demons, Ingrid prioritizes self-preservation over anything else. Though it seems incredibly harsh, she raised her children to be ready to die for her if the situation were to arise. Anticipating this possibility, she is very nice to them, and secretly favors her strongest children such as Eve. She enjoys going to the beach in her free time, not always to swim but sometimes just to lie there under an umbrella (she’s not actually adverse to the sun, the shade is just more relaxing), though her work rarely gives her an opportunity to step out from behind her desk.