


1 year, 2 months ago


Vanta is a curious fox. Best described as confused, strange, and insecure, nobody really knows about who she is and mostly rely on doing pure speculation about her, while she just tries to go with the flow and understand her purpose in the world. With her shy and antisocial personality, she often sticks herself in others business, even when it's very much inappropriate to do so. While most see it as purely rude, she herself sees herself as curious to know what’s happening around herself, which easily comes off as her being nosey. Regardless of these misunderstandings, she’s very much persistent and doesn't give up easily unless threatened.

She's very much harsh on herself, often debating on what her purpose in life truly is, and when combined with the public's perception on her, she feels very much like an outcast and only wishes she could be someone more likable for a change. It's this mentality that she likes to try and disguise herself as others, typically her own characters and creations, to try and explore what kind of characters she can "become" and use in public, but hearing all of the nasty things about herself only makes her feel like she shouldn't just be herself.

  • She often doubts herself and her actions, being extremely sensitive to others’ thoughts, perceptions and reactions towards her.
  • Often not she exhibits attention-seeking and manipulative behavior to cope with her negative thoughts about herself.