
-an ex mafioso, knew brulo back then and theyve been chummy for a while, which is why he got the management gig at the casino when he started struggling financially after being ran out of the organization (because everyone wanted him dead) and after some corporate scheme failed particularly hard

-very hands on manager, hes almost always on the floor schmoozing with patrons or at the bar smoking.. and pestering employees (marv) to death

-does shady practices under the table without brulos knowledge, just to get some extra dough, thats all. dont worry about it. I SAID DONT WORRY ABOUT I

-he will yap your ear off about the stock market, and the differences between tobacco produced in cuba vs the netherlands and shit like that. hes weird

-absolutely huge flirt and is completely unashamed about it. he flirts with women just for the sake of appearances

-favorite music genre is jazz

-from the heart of new yooork baby new york fuck yeah baby new york lets go

-stinky. stinky awful smelly man. he drowns himself in cheap cologne every single day

-hes such a fucking mess bro

-has a history with the only other rich guy in boiler city, Franc Perper. they were in the mafia together and helped eachother make it big in the corporate world. but they had a falling out, and now are business rivals who have homoerotic meetings and fights often. whenever one is swimming in money, the other is struggling.. they borrow money from eachother constantly, and as such are in constant debt to the other

-gay and homophobic, he struggles with this on a daily basis

-mid 40s maybe early 50s? unclear.

ill edit this later im tired