Chello (AUS)



1 year, 24 days ago


Pokemon Au

Major Canon Divergence

Chello is a pokemon trainer that was born in Galar, but adopted by an Alolan man who took her and her sister home. Since then they've been raised by Frill in Alola. She lives in relative peace until Somnia and their cousin show up on the beach, Chello connects with Somnia almost immediately. The two become bestfriends but they're separated when Somnia has to go back to Hoenn. Chello almost forgets about Somnia until she comes back to Alola six years later to find her and reunite.




Major Canon Divergence // Character Death

Chello is one of the players chosesn by fate to play sgrub. She loses almost everything, her home, her future matesprite and it tears her apart. She still has Somnia and Lilith but nothing will ever heal her from the guilt that she helped end the world.


Scyphr Kernelsprite: Chello kidnaps and drags Scyphr in her old hive before they begin the game in an attempt to save him. Unfortunately when she enters the medium Somnia drops a fucking rock on them, killing them. Chello kernelsprites his corpse in a last ditch effort to perserve him.

Fuchsia Heiress

Major Canon Divergence

Chello is born as the Fuchsia blood she was meant to be and is the Heiress to the alternian empire. She grows up very lonely, the only friends she has is Scyphr and Stellr. Who she finds washed up on the beach, at age 14. She takes him and he becomes her younger sibling, and alternia's unoffical prince. Her life revolves around these two until she sneaks out onto the surface and meets Somnia. The smaller indigo blood pops her bubble about how she thought the world works and it crushes her, but she's thankful regardless. As she spends more time with Somnia, the harder she falls for her and realizes how misguided she was because of her upbringing.


Scyphr makes her worse: The title explains itself


Major Canon Divergence

In this au Chello is a mutant violet (lavender blood) She grows up in a cult, escaping by killing them all, and becoming wanderer. Now with an intense aversion to people and poor understanding of how social interactions work she tries to make her way through Alternia. She grows emotionally attached to those who are cruel to her because she's so used to being worshipped that she can't trust kindness. At least the people who call her scum and want her dead are honest.
