Bein Anpu



1 year, 2 months ago



Bein Anpu

age 47

gender Male

orientation Biromantic Polysexual

height 7'2"

build Robust

race Mage

role Knights Guild


Bein regrets many things that he’s done, and he’s lost many features that came with it. Even so in current time he does things with a heavy perfectionist mentality. He's very stubborn. If he has an idea, you bet yourself he'll get it, very much in style and a quick way. Now instead of it being used for murder it’s more so used for him running out and seeing things.

Now that he’s accepted himself it’s very easy to tell if he genuinely cares for someone. He'll get anxious and flustered, and he'll often kind of close up, if he's not done accepting what he should. He does not handle his own emotions, nor anything at all very well. He has a family to live for now so many of his actions are much more calculated. Even so he still is very forgetful about things pertaining to his own health. Sometimes he still goes for months at a time while forgetting things he needs to do just for his own hygiene.

Despite it all he still tries to act grumpy and intimidatingly, but on a personal level he's quite fun and calm. This is more so aimed at the possibilities of his children bringing friends or partners over, or people that he thinks he must approve of. He's a bit forcefully caring, and he'll yell at you if you don't take care of yourself, all while ignoring his own things.

He's a lot like a big bear. He's very big and growly but he gives the best, most comfortable hugs. If you're someone much more childish that he meets on a personal level he will act a lot like your dad. This man may have killed for a living but don't not expect him to whip out some dad jokes. Why? Because he sure can. That's a bit of his motto. If he can, he'll do it. Why'd he punch someone? Because he could. Why'd he kiss you? Because he could.

He's actually pretty smart too. He acts like an idiot sometimes, but if he hadn't taken the route of an assassin he would've been a scholar or even good enough to be a council member. Don't let his humor fool you, he's packed with brains behind it all. Often he feels things subconsciously, adding onto his magic and the earlier statements. It isn’t too hard to read him like a book, even if he attempts to deny it as much as he possibly can. Literally.

He’s always been a people pleaser. Even if he tries not to, he just wants to make everyone happy, despite his bad road in life. If he’s given a job he wants to carry it out, as I mentioned before. He’ll do whatever he can to make sure people are safe and happy, even if it’s at his own expense. Now that he’s older he’s starting to realize many of his past mistakes and how he affected people. He’s even trying to set out to fix things as well, by just being an overall better person. He hopes that he can be a good person now for his family.

Bein grew up in a verily well known noble family of Magas. His parents were rich and prissy, but out of him and his sister he was much more favored. His parents would often spoil him, but even so they did not treat him the best, still expecting him to uphold the family name. He was born and learned the arts of plant magic, trying his best to make his parents proud with it, while also trying to make friends by handing people flowers he'd make. He never actually did make any friends aside from his sister.


By the time he was edging towards the age of 8 he was much more wise beyond his years. He soon learned about the possibilities of dark magic and necromancy, a topic mentioned by his mentor. So he attempted to dabble with that. His first actual success within that field was with his childhood dog, a shepherd by the name of Dusty. He’d stuffed the dog like a puppet with objects of leaves and brush, making it easier for the boy. The casting wasn't all him, and he was aided heavily by his sister, but he still was very, very proud of himself. His newfound abilities got him into horrid trouble. His actions were frowned upon by other mages and he was outcasted much more than he’d previously been.


When he was 12 his sister left home due to unknown reasons - to him - which harmed him mentally, as she was the only person who considered him a 'friend', despite being genetically related. As he grew he started feeling heavy resentment, lashing at strangers and his family as well. By the time he was 14 he got himself banished from Magas.


From there he met the pirates as well as a guild of assassins. In the later seasons he'd stay with the assassins, while in the summer and early seasons he accompanied the pirate crews. There he met a harpy who he thought was just a summer fling, although soon he’d come to eat his words. By the time he was 18 he left the pirates to be a skillful full time assassin. In his first large numbered years of assassin work he did a lot, overworking himself to the brim and beyond.


That was until he was taking a job one day to assassinate some peri nobles. After the job was done he’d come to his worst fear as an assassin: they were parents. Not having the heart to break this news to the young girl he took her in. Since then he’s taken exponentially less and less assassination jobs as many different people have popped into his life, along with his now adopted daughter, that brings him joy. As time went on and he continued to lack in consistent jobs Bein was almost completely taken off of the assasin roster. He was rumored about by the others, but never sought after. He’d taken this time to watch his daughter grow up, along with taking care of his pets. He’d also come to move in with his 3 partners, the aforementioned harpy and two shifters whom he’d run into numerous trouble and situations with. Despite all of his walls they’d managed to tear them down to reveal how he truly felt.


In his sweet little life he now spends his time associating himself with a knight's guild. None of the younger ones are aware of his past actions, and he's alright with that. The only people who must know are his family and his superiors, and even then there aren't many people above him in the ranks.


Arpina Eversoul Husband

Arpina met Hades when they both were young and working as pirates. Despite their beliefs of this being a summer fling arrangement they both ended up gravitating back to each other. Arpina himself is the embodiment of chaos and spite. If fire was a person it would be him. He brings it upon himself to keep the entire group of their toes. As Bein has mellowed out Arpina has filled the void that Bein's energy now lacks.


Nathaniel Beckman Husband

Pride is a kind and caring man, his life with his people and pets changing him for the better. He’s still very outgoing and not afraid to speak his mind about what he’s passionate about. He’s adopted a househusband lifestyle, gaining organized and motherly character traits. He loves staying home and avoids travelling alone after a few traumatic events in his past. His paranoia has grown to the point where he won’t leave the house alone.


Mason Gulavard Husband

Mason is another shifter parter of Bein. He met Bein through a situation involving a pick pocket that Bein did not wish to get involved in. He's snippy, sassy, and institutes himself where he wants to. He's his own person, for the most part, but he can get quite reliant at times despite his refusal to say so. He is one of the most reserved of them all. Communication is not his forte but his partners always get it out of him.


Athena Anpu Adopted Daughter

Athena is Bein's adopted daughter. He came into contact with her after "unintentionally" slaughtering her parents at a young age. They sucked anyways so he did her a favor. Since her youth he's raised her as his own even if he feels as though he hasn't been the best dad. In the end she's nearly a carbon copy of him. Independant and writing her own book in a world where she must take control of her own life without letting anyone else do it for her. She's ran into a little skinny white boy along the way.


Nab Adopted Son

Nab is a young paladin orc whom of which has been taken into the care of Bein. Having grown up within a religious tribe Nab is very adept in customs and kindness. He's respectful to all the members of the household, even if he isn't home very often. Yet when he is he always makes sure to do his share of chores. It's not very unlikely that you would find him out within the garden at the back of the house, messing with the plants and making sure they are healthy.

"If I was dead you would've heard."