Casimir Sholan



1 year, 2 months ago



shapeshifter • mimic • demon

Dream Demon

"The boy is still here. The boy cries to me."

Casimir is a demon of the mindscape, but he was not always that. He used to be a farmer's boy, a boy with a dream that he could not give up. Something he had to achieve.

Because of his decisions Casimir now is trapped a figment of imagination. It spends his time drifting along between hosts, bothering them whenever it deems fit. When first interacting you come to find he will copy your personality and actions. It is a demon who seeks connection. When a connection is form you come to see the true Casimir. A smart lad who is wise beyond his years. Who could tell you everything about the world, but little about himself.



Casimir, much like his name, has a large drive. Though he's a wanderer at heart. That's where they mix. It constantly wants to move, it's drive to consistently keep going, despite in a timeless place always keeps ahold of him. Somewhere in his mist like body is the ideal that if he keeps moving he'll get somewhere, yet it's like an endless circle. It moves, it creeps, it glides, yet no matter the situation it's all futile within the end.

When faced with another his personality shifts depending on what he can read from them. It's like a mirror of yourself. Within his slit like eyes it's almost as if you're talking to yourself. It likes to mimic, like it finds it funny yet showing no humor what so ever. If you're fearful it will act fearful back, if you're bland it will be bland. Though it's way of communicating is interesting. Despite copying your emotions it does not copy your way of speech, only the emotion put into it. The way it talks is like talking to a scholar, smart, yet the being himself not holding any knowledge himself.

Though there is a side of Casimir that does not mimic, and it's quite interesting. Casimir is exactly who you think he'd be. It's a fun loving trickster. Though it is like a switch that needs flicked to get to this side. It's only after a long, thought invoking and personal discussion with the creature that gets it to show it's true 'colors' per say. Upon getting to that point it becomes talkative and personal, but surprisingly smart for what it is. The only reason it's default is to mimic is solely out of ideas and instinct, as I will point out with the powers. Casimir is truly the person you'd find sitting on a beat with a Hawaiian shirt and a drink in a foldable chair. Or that odd uncle who shows up every other holiday to give the children odd gifts. Just someone you'd have fun with. Only if you can tolerate and move past the first part of him, so if you wish to see how it truly acts, be persistent.


Casimir wasn't always a demon. He was a shifter. A lean farm boy who often traveled for his parents to sell and trade their products that they made. It often traveled to the nearest kingdom as well, Magas. There he fell in love with the local baker in which it brought supplies to. A strong graceful man who smelt sweetly of vanilla. The man's parents were against the idea of their son being with a shifter, and soon switched the man out with someone else as soon as word of Casimir arriving into town for its local trades.

Casimir grew upset. So he sought out a way to ensure his ability to be with its lover. A way to make him be just like the mages. A way to remove his animal half. He found a powerful mage within the mountains. It laid its story and explained its wishes. He wanted to be a mage. He wanted to be human. The old mage could not do so without risk of things going wrong, but Casimir didn't care. So the mage went through with it. It happened just as the mage said it would and Casimir got cursed into a horrid form of his animal side, cursing himself to the dream scape along with it. Casimir never saw its lover again.


  • Casimir can take on any form it so wishes. Most rely on the host's dream state.
  • He manifests like a misty creature when in its true demonic form. It commonly has multiple sets of eyes.
  • Every blue moon Casimir may manifest within the real world. This takes the life of any group of small creatures in the vicinity to form him.
  • When having a real eye Cas often has heterochromia or central heterochromia, depending on how many eyes it has.
  • It does not remember his life until manifesting on land.



Nirvana [ closest companion ]

Nirvana, vessel of spirits and effective gateway between life and death. Casimir is her eternal and only friend; more often than not driven out of her mind by the voices in her head, Nirvana hopes to see a day when she can dance, mortal, beneath the stars with Casimir just once before she welcomes oblivion.


Soren [ begruding Companion]

A rather tall, young, winged lion with read eyes and a curly mane. Soren is a demigod; even if he stays rather silent amongst other godly beings.. he'd much rather sit in his room and read or sleep.. even so, his life isn't always that peaceful.. not after Casimir had haunted him.. he's felt different ever since Casimir had left his body..

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