Celen Sweetbee



1 year, 3 months ago


Celen Sweetbee

Male | He/They


5’11 / 180cm

123 lbs / 55.8kg


Museum Curator







Due to some unfortunate complications, Celen came out... less than desirable. His skin was mottled and a sickly, pale blue with strange growths across his skin. By traditional Fey standards, he was different. Too different.

His mother swapped him with a human child soon after birth, practically abandoning him as the human pair didn't want him either. His new, human parents were servants of a high status/wealthy family during Queen Victoria's reign. This was his first stroke of luck.

Due to their popularity during this particular Era, Celen was kept alive and within the household, though his "parents" resented him for being swapped with their daughter.

He was kept within the family, taking on multiple servant roles. From footman to co-"governess" (i.e. babysitter), Celen was passed around as needed. Whatever the head of the house desired, Celen was a peg that fit into many holes.


The years dragged on and the world kept spinning until the death of Queen Victoria. The heads of the household took it particularly hard, dwindling into a shadow of themselves.The family moved, and Celen along with them, to get away from the country in mourning but that came with its own set of challenges.

Life was not so easy after the family coffers dwindled. The family name did little to carry them into their new society across the pond. Having an indentured Fey being didn't do much for their reputation and it didn't help that Celen wasn't a particularly... useful fairy. His magic didn't help them with their daily lives because he didn't have the training needed to make it useful.

Celen was eventually discarded, with their status gone and his "parents" gone, he had no prospects and spent his time wandering. As the century continued, domestic housework phased out and Celen had to acclimate.


Thankfully his years of constant entertaining taught him many profitable skills from knowledge of instruments to knowledge of history. He'd even made a point to keep in contact with some old friends of the family. It was hard to forget polite little fairy boy who'd silently attended gatherings of old money on the arm of an old flame.

Celen eventually ended up in Saints City after growing tired of floating. For some years he did odd jobs, though it took time for him to adjust to current times. After many years alone, he's finally found a spot he thinks is worth settling in... Though being surrounded by so many different creatures it going to take some time to get used to...



Kind and understanding. Lord knows he wouldn't have made it to his age without experiencing compassion himself.


He knows what he is and what he isn't and would never try to pretend otherwise.


The world is a big place. He understands not everyone will like him and he understands he will not like everyone. That doesn't mean they have to come to blows. Celen is content to live and let live.


Celen is always trying to improve, especially when his betters are watching. He's observant and aware and focused, one has to be in his line of work, and any mistake could possibly be his last.


Things can fall to ruin without order, and while Celen is... somewhat adaptable, he's not eager to learn if he can function in chaos.


A holdover of his upbringing. Celen treats everyone with the utmost respect. Not quite a people-pleaser, but close enough. He's not trying to make waves.


Being abandoned by his family has left him with scars that have yet to fade and perhaps never will. He is ashamed of his appearance, perhaps if he was more beautiful his parents would have kept him...


Celen lives in the background, even in his own story. The man behind the mask can tell you all you need to know about what goes on in his world, but nothing about him. In his eyes, there are better stories to tell.


Living in insecurity, Celen finds himself green with envy watching those around him live their lives with carefree abandon. He tires of unrequited love and longing, he finds it quite trite.


  • Books
  • Antiques
  • Porcelain
  • Butterflies
  • Sweets/Pastries
  • Boba
  • Paintings
  • Company


  • Traffic
  • Beans
  • Tomato
  • Iron
  • Horseshoes
  • Copper
  • Argyle
  • Churches


Hive Mind

To separate and disperse into a swarm of butterflies. Celen is able to scatter himself into a large area while retaining control over his fragments.

[ Mainly a defensive technique but can also be used to attack/disorient an enemy ]


Summon and release a swarm of butterflies that attack Celen's target.

[ Their boddies are cold and sharp to the touch ]


Self explanatory. Celen has picked up a couple spells in his journeys but he could still use some practice.

[ Mainly used to clean and restore because he's too lazy to clean his home. If you ask him, he's just efficient ]


  • Due to his crippling insecurity he wears a shell beneath his clothes. It's specially crafted to be sturdy enough for daily use, but he has had to repair it many times over the years. In his early days, he used to wear the full shell, but these days he only wears his mask, and the pieces that conceal his neck, torso, and arms. No one's getting in his pants anyways.
  • Speaks with an older transatlantic accent though he does slip into an even older English accent.
  • Plays piano every morning before breakfast and every night before bed. Moonlight Sonata and Clair de Lune are his favorites but he regularly buys new sheets to grow with the times. He also plays violin.
  • Loves bathing in moonlight.
  • Is easily frightened.
  • Gardens to relieve stress.


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.