[ 📝] The Assassin



1 year, 2 months ago


Pretend I said something really cool.

Full name: Roselyn ?????

Alias: Sneak, S, Assassin.

Age: 25

Gender: Female

DOB: info

Height: 5'8

Orientation: Lesbian

Nationality: French

Place of origin: Paris, France

Languages: French (Primary/Master)
English (Master)
Spanish (Moderate)

Song Title



Class: The Sneak / Assassin

Team: Red

Role: Support

Health: 125

Speed: 120%
An alternative to The Spy with a focus on killing specific targets rather than gathering intelligence and taking down engineer nests (Sentries/etc). The Sneak/Assassin is best focused when knowing a specific target to take down; best used as a way to deter classes that plant their ground, like Engineer or Sniper, so to say.

She focuses on silencing the opposition or hindering them so others can take them down, such as having items that can muffle class lines or items that slow characters down such as her tranquilizer gun.
  • Classes that are weak against your character.
  • Heavy: same as Spy.
  • Sniper: Same as Spy.
  • Classes that could wreak havoc on your character.
  • Pyro: Same as Spy.
Special Ability
- Silenced Enemies, making them unable to notify others via death.
- Double jump
- Able to lift herself onto surfaces, allowing her to get the drop on other classes.
- Quiet footsteps, unable to be heard at all.
- Access to disguises and cloak.
Default Loadout
data / data / data
The Silencer A weapon based off the AMT 1911 'Hardballer', it is equipped with a silencer that allows for almost completely silenced firing. Same as Le' Ranger Unable to be heard for the most part. Not that powerful unless it's used for headshots.
Name ammo, or etc Damage / Crit Damage Positives Downsides
Smoked Out A secondary weapon that allows the Sneak to put down smoke bombs for a quick escape. N/A Makes other players unable to see if they're in the smoke for up to 6 seconds. No Damage.
Name info, ammo or etc Damage / Crit Damage Positives Downsides
Name info, or etc Damage / Crit Damage Positives Downsides
Name info, or etc Damage / Crit Damage Positives Downsides
  • Title example; Kill assist
  • "Ut bibendum sem magna, eget viverra turpis egestas porttitor."
  • "Ut bibendum sem magna, eget viverra turpis egestas porttitor."
  • "Ut bibendum sem magna, eget viverra turpis egestas porttitor."
  • Title example; Healed by Medic
  • "Ut bibendum sem magna, eget viverra turpis egestas porttitor."
  • "Ut bibendum sem magna, eget viverra turpis egestas porttitor."
  • Title
  • "Ut bibendum sem magna, eget viverra turpis egestas porttitor."
  • "Ut bibendum sem magna, eget viverra turpis egestas porttitor."
  • Taunt name
  • Description here, Praesent eget dictum tellus.
  • Taunt name
  • Description here, Praesent eget dictum tellus.
  • Taunt name
  • Description here, Praesent eget dictum tellus.
  • Taunt name
  • Description here, Praesent eget dictum tellus.


Write something about them here, can be any length, short or long. Ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Euismod quis viverra nibh cras pulvinar. Nunc sed velit dignissim sodales ut eu sem. Porta non pulvinar neque laoreet suspendisse interdum. Blandit aliquam etiam erat velit scelerisque in dictum non consectetur. A scelerisque purus semper eget duis. Ut sem nulla pharetra diam sit. Eu non diam phasellus vestibulum.
Defining trait / Defining trait / Defining trait
  • data, in pellentesque

  • data, euismod

  • data, facilisi morbi tempus
  • data, in pellentesque

  • data, euismod

  • data, facilisi morbi tempus
Describe how your character is best utilized here.
Praesent a posuere neque. Nulla et commodo eros, id viverra metus.
Sed lorem est, condimentum a aliquet vitae, cursus vitae lectus.
Euismod in pellentesque massa placerat duis ultricies lacus sed turpis.
  • distinguishing feature

  • distinguishing feature

  • distinguishing feature
  • distinguishing feature

  • distinguishing feature

  • distinguishing feature



Write to your heart's content.
Box will scroll.
Vivamus id viverra mauris. Pellentesque imperdiet tellus sit amet risus consequat maximus.

In et lorem lobortis, volutpat diam pellentesque, lobortis diam.

Fusce facilisis eget elit nec eleifend. Maecenas ultricies, ligula eget imperdiet rhoncus, ipsum orci elementum arcu, in consectetur augue metus vitae lectus.


Nam ac sem sit amet ligula mattis tristique. Nunc sit amet magna eu neque lacinia efficitur eget non massa. Quisque non tellus id lacus commodo porttitor ac sit amet lorem. Pellentesque imperdiet rhoncus quam, quis eleifend augue vehicula vitae. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis purus leo, mattis sed dui ac, aliquam interdum dui.

Praesent efficitur, enim sit amet gravida maximus, libero risus sagittis quam, eget posuere enim justo vel nibh. Vivamus neque urna, aliquam sit amet mauris ac, mattis lacinia nunc. Donec tortor ante, interdum ac libero eu, luctus consectetur enim. Sed id bibendum mi. Fusce pharetra dapibus enim vitae molestie. Nunc nulla libero, dapibus non tortor at, vehicula varius purus. Aenean aliquet tincidunt gravida. Suspendisse euismod bibendum auctor. Pellentesque blandit vulputate mauris vel sodales. Nam volutpat tempor risus ut consequat.


Jeremy - The (Red) Scout
Write something about them here, can be any length, short or long. This little box here scrolls. Ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Euismod quis viverra nibh cras pulvinar.

Nunc sed velit dignissim sodales ut eu sem. Porta non pulvinar neque laoreet suspendisse interdum. Blandit aliquam etiam erat velit scelerisque in dictum non consectetur.


The (Red) Spy
A complicated and strained relationship off battlefield, but a frustrating yet mutually benefical one on.

Being that they have similar roles on the battlefield, they work in tandem to each other, sometimes to the others detriment. While they have an amazing
