


1 year, 3 months ago

Basic Info




??? (Physically 23)


Cake Soul (or just Cake)




Employee at Морозные сны (Frosty Dreams)


“Mama”, Attention, Keeping warm, Pulling Pranks


Being scolded, Witches, Jumpscares


Fan Character for: Give or Cake

Personality: Cheese is an incredibly excitable man, loving to gather attention onto himself. He’s a bit of a clown, taking any opportunity to crack a joke, much to some people’s dismay. He seems to be also very close to Varvara, going to her whenever he gets into trouble. Some may see him as childish because of this. 

He loves to consume different cakes to try and change his size, enjoying being giant to terrify unknowing people. Despite this, he is not self-conscious about his casual height, and enjoys being shorter as it lets him receive better hugs. 

Backstory: Cheese was unexpectedly made while Varvara was getting used to her new bakery. She was testing a new cake she never made before: Cheesecake, but made it a bit too short. Despite this, the oven still accepted this cake to be a cake soul.

Cheesecake was then born! Being a whopping 2 inches! He couldn’t talk at first, but did attempt to entertain Varvara by acting silly. Eventually, he was given the rest of the cake, as she was happy with his company, and he grew fast. 

As a Cake Soul, he is  capable of doing the following:

Unable to bleed: his anatomy is comprised of cake, cream, icing, and other cake ingredients. This makes combat much painless, but losing a limb can still be a nuisance.

Limb regeneration: Limbs like arms, legs, or even his head can grow back thanks to cream magic surfacing within his body.

Size change: He can grow and shrink themselves willingly. He enjoys doing such to play pranks, however.

Consumption: He can eat sweets to gain strength. Any dessert can affect them differently, but original cheesecake makes him strongest.

Combat: While he doesn’t fight often, he does have a giant hammer that he can use to defend himself. He often fights in odd ways to distract them, making himself loud and wacky. He uses the distractions to get the upper hand, but he can also be very vulnerable due to this.

Is sometimes mistaken for a girl...