
Name: Rose
Nickname: Rosie (only by Maple and Zuccotto)

Gender: Female

Age: Late Teen
Size: Around 2 inches tall or 5 cm
Birthday: January 9th

Sprout (Rare)
Current Job: Florist
Height: On the shorter side
Weight: Healthy

Personality: Rose is proud of her good manners and reputation. She tries her best to be responsible and disciplined as she really wants her plant stall to succeed. Rose loves craftmanship and all the small details others and herself like to put into their craft. She enjoys discussions about most topics and how others view things. Often she will sprinkle some humor here and there as she finds puns always make her and her friends smile. Rose is her own worst critic and often is indecisive on details most wouldnt even notice. However once she makes up her mind she can be rather stubborn and she highly dislikes sudden changes.

Maple: Maple and Rose have been dating the longest,  around a year. They both are good with communication and expressed early on into dating that they both were okay with and open to accepting more partners. Maple is passionate and loves both of them. She is as sweet as her namesake, and lays the compliments just as thick! She spoils both of them as much as she can. Maple is also on the protective side. Mess with either of them and unless Rose gets in the way she is likely to fight.

Zuccotto: Rose has known about her for a little while. As she noticed Zuzu watching with a dreamy look in her eyes probably before even she herself realized her feelings. After Rose talked about it with Maple they introduced each other and things soon kicked off. Zuzu is still newer to the idea however she is a ball of energy, silliness, and wants nothing more than to make both Rose and Maple happy. Rose does her best to help explain the more complicated things and help Zuzu figure out her own feelings. New relationships can have their bumps but Rose, Maple, and Zuccotto are all working together.

Quirks: When shes taking care of her plants she often talks to them. All of her plants also have names.
Dis-likes: Being lonely, limitations, cold days, sour foods
Likes: Helping others, long conversations, strange plants, intricate trinkets