Milo Malloy



1 year, 2 months ago


Gender: M
Age: 16
Ht: 5'3"
Wt: 220lbs
DOB: June 22
Orientation: Bisexual
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Blond
Speciality: Spirit tag usage, baseball bat

Milo is a high school-age boy with an interest in monsters, cryptids, ghosts- anything that society as a whole seems to refuse to accept the possibility of existing. Most of his free time is dedicated to learning as much as he can about such topics, though his interest (as well as his  somewhat stuck-up, snobby attitude about such knowledge) have made him something of a pariah in his peer group. This rejection has, in turn, made him double down even more on these behaviors, keeping everyone around him at an arm's length. Deep down, he's a sweet kid, but it's  rare that he ever trusts anyone enough to show this side. He cares a lot  about his mom, but has also become rather closed off from her.

His knowledge makes him valuable enough to a pair of monster hunters- Kay and Lyra Toussaint- to allow him to tag along with their hunts. Though they initially only tolerate him, over time they warm up to him and Milo in turn drops some of his standoffish act. In order to help defend  himself, Kay and Lyra teach Milo how to use "sigils"- a kind of tag that has magical effects when torn in half. However, due to his ordinary human physiology, he's only able to use some of the more basic charms without making himself sick. As such, he also becomes proficient with a baseball bat.