
6 years, 2 months ago


Full Name: Georudo "Geo"

Species: Agumon 2006

First Appearance: The Digital Anomalia (2016)

Age: 13 (Agumon), 17 (GeoGreymon)

Partner: Akira Minami

Digivolution Path: Koromon>Agumon>GeoGreymon>IzanaGreymon>Kohryumon IzanaGreymon can warp to Super Ultimate in the form of IzanaGreymon No Ookami Mode MagatsuGreymon is his Dark Digivolution.

Personality: Unlike Akira, Agumon is a very thick-headed individual, more along the lines of running in head first into a battle without any sort of strategy. if you ask him his reasons, he'd probably say "because if you get them fast, then they won't have time to prepare!" he's like Akira in the fact that he likes being with his friends, but sometimes he takes his work a little too seriously. for example, one time he heard a noise and he jumped up going "who's there? SHOW YOURSELF!" and Akira and his home world friends tried to calm him down. Like Luneth's partner Vivi, his personality also changes when he evolves, becoming more laid back and carefree.