Scarlet Steel



1 year, 3 months ago


Name: Scarlet Steel


Gender: Female

Age: 31

Sexuality: Bisexual

Occupation: Stable Scientist/Director


Background: Scarlet was always a forward-thinking pony. One who always wanted to push things forward, regardless if it was easy or not. Before the Pony Zebra War, Scarlet had made herself known for her brilliant mind and fierce attitude. Having become a prominent scientist for Equestria and frequently went aboard to study and other places and get to know the local cultures. Though with her attitude and temper did lead her to get into a few fights and scuffles, nothing major that would get her removed. But did layout the path that she wasn't a push over egg head either.

When the Pony Zebra War did start to kick off, she aided in Equestria's weapons development, though her main area of expertise were genetics. Melding both science and magic to augment their soldiers. Shortly before the world was plunged into fire, Scarlet had secured herself a position in Stable Tech to direct and run a Stable as it's Overmare. With the premise to ensure the bearers of the Elements of Harmony lived on. Having acquired DNA samples from the six bearers, Scarlet would clone each of them with mental imprints of the original six and then have them raised naturally as inhabitants of the Stable. Though, despite her knowledge of science and magic, the cloning process simply didn't work in the way it should have. With the first test of them being the closest to the original, they failed to live up to expectations and thus were terminated. These series of tests would continue for years in the safety of the stable. Though as time went on the population of the Stable started to notice something was up and demand answers, ones she couldn't reveal the truth. Mounting issues with both the issues of the cloning systems and age catching up with her, maintaining order started to fail. That and the last batch of cloning attempt had major mental defects that only started to surface. Resulting in rioting and mayhem withing the stable. With the main cloning system being compromised and taken over by the mentally deranged clones, which started to clone themselves. Thanks to Scarlet's foresight in ensuring the pure samples were well hidden. With the aid of her still loyal security team. She would set up her last ditch effort, one part creating a digital imprint of herself within the stable and second was have her security team shut down the reactor.. The team shut down the main reactor and locked so that only a code on Scarlet's private terminal could reactivate it. Which this ensured the death of all of the inhabitants of the Stable, but also the clones which had started massacring the residents of the Stable. Despite her wanting to go out fighting the things she had unleashed upon the Stable she had to ensure the future of her project she still believed in. In a hidden room only accessible from her office. It held a backup reactor which powered a cold storage system and a cloning system. Scarlet would create one last clone, though she mixed her own DNA with the bearer of Generosity Rarity, who had been a personal friend as well. Though an unforeseen issue had occurred, the backup reactor did not have the power to fully run the cloning machine. Thus, it would work on a low power mode. Which would slowly make the clone rather than the rapid system she had made. The time frame of the completion time was well beyond her own remaining life span, and even further. Ultimately, she still started the process and recorded several notes for the clone and set up a dual imprinting of both her mind and the data imprint of rarity she had. Who hopefully would continue her work. It was in that hidden room she would meet her fate as time and lack of resources finally took her along with the rest of the Stable.

Personality: Scarlet Steel is a curious and wondrous pony with quite a fierce attitude, not taking shit from others. While kind to her friends and peers she didn't take well with bullies and other sorts and would return the shit they threw tenfold. Her desire to learn and share it with others is one of her main driving forces. Along with backing up her claims and in times of need friends as well with force need be.



Species: Unicorn




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