
Basic Info



Ideal Wormtaur


[C] Antennas

[Unc] Wings


Closed! Pending for Madlyns_Artt

Draw to adopt!

Ends April 15th 2023, 8pm CEST

This poor Wormtaur baby has lost their Parents and is now in need of a new Home!

How to enter:

-Draw this wormtaur bab with a foster parent! Doesnt have to be a wormtaur, any OC taking care of then works!

-Upload the Art to this profile! You can write a story in the Caption!

-minimum a coloured sketch

-as many entries as you like!

-The Winner will get the Character + all art made during the DTA

-The winner will be picked by me ( artie_draws ) judging will be by wholesomeness and my personal judgement. It does not affect if i am friends with you or not, it will play together how much effort went into the art, if its rushed or not etc...

-NO begging or guilt tripping! That is an IMMEDIATE disqualification!

-Be kind to each other! Any Harrassment of the Winner will result in a strike and disqualification!

-Bonuspoints if you write a story and give it a name!

If you have any questions feel free to comment or dm!